Lata Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
-20% Unjustified Demands

Scaled ChroniclersLata Lizardfolk have a history of writing down records and making relics in remembrance of certain historical events and notable figures of their villages. Lata territory was also occupied by many different lizardfolk empires, each dutifully recorded by Lata scribes. Over time, this tradition evolved into a culture of knowledge-seeking and preservation as well as revival of the past. Lata would become a hub for many scholars to seek out ancient knowledge. They found a mutual curiosity with Baashidi adventurers, seeking fellow scholars among their former oppressors. Although the Lata scholarly establishment initially opposed any contact with humans on grounds of secrecy, the knowledge the foreign wise men provided proved to be too bountiful to be ignored. Thus, both parties began to exchange historical knowledge in a mutually beneficial relationship.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

Asking the PastA unique form of magic developed within Lata is the contact of historic spirits. When a mage discovers a statue, literary work or painting of a person within history, they can seek the person’s spirit using the likeness extracted from these records. Eventually, they will be able to contact the soul of that figure and pull them into the physical realm, connecting the spirit to the physical object bearing their qualities. With this, Lata scholars can have direct contact with their past and learn details that have been washed in the streams of time.
+20% Institution Spread
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Now Marry!To resolve internal instability, the chiefs of Lata generally prefer not to spill blood of their tribespeople. Instead, whenever a dispute between a chief and his vassal arises, they resolve it through marriage, these diplomatic marriages acting as a pact between the two families as well as giving the discontented chieftains political clout and prestige. This seems to work, with each tribe in Lata feeling unusual loyalty to each other, not only through marriages but through subsequent blood ties.
+50% Chance of New Heir
+10% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Forbidden ProphecyAn archaeologist named Lykk Goldscale became famous for a single grand claim; after arranging all accounts of Lizardfolk empires after the 271st, he discovered that the numbers do not add up. Some empires were, according to him, merely rump states while others were factions of civil wars whose governments lasted for barely a decade.\n\nWith this evidence, in 1673 he argued that the 333rd empire would be only possible far into the future and that current nation-states were merely using this prophecy as a way to legitimize their rule and conquests. He was promptly executed for treason and heresy and branded as a madman, but his influence still secretly lives on in his home of Lata and his theory is still taken into consideration by many scholars, though never overtly.
+100% Power Projection From Insults
+25% Rebel Support Efficiency

Ancestral WoodcarvingTo preserve the likeness of their ancestors, Lata woodcarvers use the local abundance of tropical wood to make wooden sculptures of historical figures. Lata artisans are extraordinarily proficient at this, able to create life-like statues with ease, all in order to make it easier to contact the dead with magic. However, these depictions have also proven a popular commodity, sought out by many affluent men with the desire for an exact wooden copy of themselves.
+5% Domestic Trade Power
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

War Through The AgesMages know more than just how to question dead people. If a spirit haunts a statue, animating it and moving the large sculpture around becomes significantly easier, creating something like a golem with the tactical mind of an ancient warrior. Due to this, many of Lata’s mages use stone warriors with ancient experience to assist them in combat for a short time before they return to the spirit realm. However, what truly intrigues us are the generals, who can give us insight into war as well as directly lead armies into battle - albeit temporarily.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

All But SilencedWhen walking through the jungles of Lata, one might hear the faint whisper of a lizardfolk. The locals report that these sounds are calming and make them feel safe even in darkness. Outsiders on the other hand, feel immense stress from these sounds. Foreign armies in particular report sounds of wailing, muffled threats and large shouts that can take down a tree.\n\nMany have theorized where these phenomenons come from. The most popular theory is that it is the Last King of Lata. He was known as a great, brave general who swore an oath to keep his people safe against invaders. Nonetheless he still met his end at the claws of invaders. All records of him were erased and burned, inscriptions, statues, paintings, all gone. However, his legacy is kept alive purely through oral tradition, the only instance within Lata.\n\nThe theorist claims that his spirit with no form to grasp to, inhabits the voices of his people who told his likeness through tales, still obligated to his old oath.
-10% Fire Damage Received
-1 National Unrest

+10% Artillery Combat Ability