Laseani Ideas

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+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
-10% Development Cost

Fortress LaseánThe Gnomish Hierarchy, Alenic barbarians, the Kingdom of Gawed, Gerudians, Castanorians. All threatened Lorent from the north at one time or another. Laseán witnessed many invasions and battles, including the most important in the history of Lencenor, as it was here that Lorenan the Great defeated the Alenic barbarians at the Battle of Rosefield, giving rise to the Kingdom of Lorent. The fortress in the valley was founded by Lorenan himself, meant to guard the northern areas of his kingdom, and due to its location, also the friendly dwarves of Rubyhold. Built with the help of dwarven engineers and strengthened with spells, it was handed over to one of Lorenan's most trusted men, Rewan "First Lance. The stronghold has survived to this day almost fully intact, a powerful symbol of Laseáni steadfastness.
+15% Fort Defence

Order of High LadyThe Order of the High Lady, named after Ioriel the Red Rose, is a knightly order that serves as envoys, mediators, and personal guardians. Valued for their honesty, negotiating skills, and complete impartiality, the knights of this order are appointed to mediate and secure diplomatic meetings.\n\nIt was founded in 1170 by a half-elf named Rewan sil Ar Esta, a knight from Ioriel's personal guard who miraculously survived an Elizar’s manhunt on his lady. After witnessing the slaughter and devastation that Blooded brought to the land of Lencenor, Rewan experienced a spiritual transformation. He devoted himself entirely to the protection of others, avoiding unnecessary violence.\n\nTraditionally, the head of the order is the Duke of Laseán, although he has almost no real power. His deputy and the true leader of the order is the Lord-Commander. He has extensive authority over the order. His closest collaborators are the commanders of both branches, the Knight-Commander and the Sister-Canoness.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Ruby ConnectionFriendship with the Ruby Dwarves has been ongoing since the beginning of our duchy, from the time of Lorenan, and has been of great benefit to both us and the dwarves. They helped us build the Lasean Fortress, their engineers keep it in top condition, they supply its defenders with armor and weapons, and finally they share some of their vast knowledge with us. For this great help, we repay them by guarding their northern border, patrolling the borderland, granting numerous trade concessions, and exporting our "Laseán Pale" in large quantities. This cooperation is mutually beneficial - may it remain so for the next thousand years!
-5% Technology Cost

Laseáni Military DiplomaThe Laseáni Military Diploma is a document that a halfling receives after serving 10 years in the army. Thanks to this document, the halfling, as well as his immediate family and each of his descendants, receive many rights that are usually enjoyed by the burghers, and which halflings in the duchy do not have. The diploma provides: the right to join a merchant guild and a craftsman's guild, the right to sit on city councils, the right to hold state office (such as mayor) and the right to obtain the rank of infantry officer. This law was proposed, initially in a limited form, by a dwarf merchant Magnus Inglot and Oloris Ludvizuir, a descendant of an official who fled to these lands after the Fall of the Jexisian Empire, in 1428 after the disastrous Battle of Tipney, and was expanded in 1448 by the Anti-Rubenaire conspirators, in order to quickly expand the army of the duchy before rebellion.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

With Lance and Fire"With Lance and Fire" is a book describing the tactics of the Laseáni army, written in 1584 by the first halfling general in the army of the duchy, Vincen Blazescythe. He completely abandoned pikemen units, replacing them with shooters and equipping them with shortened bardiche or war scythe. He also reformed the cavalry and completely abandoned the concept of Outriders in favor of heavily-armed lancers. These cavalrymen, calling themselves the Lasmarcai, were clad in the best armor available, and their lances were extended to enable devastating charges against ranks of enemy infantry weakened by gunfire. According to this concept, combat usually began with a slow advance of two ranks of infantry against enemy formations. As infantry bullets thinned the enemy ranks, cavalry units sprang into action, attacking the center and flanks of the enemy formations, making a devastating charge and then retreating, allowing the infantry to continue firing.
+0.1 Cavalry Shock
+0.1 Infantry Fire

Grain WineWine is a huge part of the culture of all of Lencenor. Each duke competes with the others in quality and refinement. The Laseáni dukes are of course no exception, but due to the extremely small number of vineyards in the duchy, the production of this alcohol in the normal way is difficult. As a result, Laseáni vintners have developed something new. While technically not a wine, grain wine is seen with a similar reverence and referred to as such by those in Laseán. Slightly stronger than ordinary wine or beer, usually made from grains of rye or wheat, this pale wine-like drink, also called "Laseán Pale", is the pride and glory of the duchy. Ruby Dwarves especially prized its unusual taste. Considering other Lencennor wines to be rotguts with no "power", they savoured the unique taste of "Pale" (and its "power", especially this one).
-1 National Unrest

Big Small Powder KegThe Small Country. Named after the halflings who inhabited it, and inhabited almost entirely by them. Yet for decades there were no independent halfling states in this area. Throughout the years of the rule of the kings of Lorent and the Alenic barbarians, the halflings were exploited and reduced to the role of simple peasants. But now the wind brings change. Halflings grab pitchforks, scythes and torches; they've had enough of foreign oppression. The Small Country is a powder keg that, if it explodes, could bury our duchy with the oppressors. We must ensure that the spark needed for such an explosion never appears, or extinguish it before it can do damage - by force if necessary.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

-10% Morale Damage Received