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Primary Culture

-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+10% Production Efficiency

Northern ForgesOur city boasts dozens of great forges, putting out heaping hoards of masterwork bronze weaponry and armor.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Hearts of BronzeLänkuuhstans are said to have hearts of bronze, reflecting our strong and stubborn nature. Our armies have never retreated from battle, they only leave the battlefield in victory or death.
+5% Morale of Armies

Apprentices at HomeMany of our young men take apprenticeships within our foundries and smithies, ensuring a ready population of strong and hardy citizens stand ready to support our armies, on or off the field.
-20% Reinforce Cost

SunplatingThe polished sheen that blesses our prized bronzeware has long been held to great esteem within the lakes. As warfare shifts from brutal melee to ranged combat, it has been discovered that this sheen has the added benefit of blinding enemy gunners, greatly increasing the survivability of our men in this new age of warfare.
-8% Fire Damage Received

Trigger DisciplineWhere other cities train their men to open fire at the first sighting of the enemy, we wait until the enemy is close enough to see the whites of their eyes, ensuring our volleys strike true.
+5% Land Fire Damage

Renovating the FortAs part of a wave of renovation projects within our city, the old hill-fort that our city was originally founded around has been rebuilt into a prime example of a modern fortress, turning Länkuuhsta into a fortified city for the current era.
+5% Fort Defence
-5% Development Cost

Westfort AcademyWith the continued growth of our grand city, we've expanded far beyond the reach of the Westfort. Instead of abandoning it however, we've converted the fortress into a grand military academy. Our politicians are now required to receive an education at the Westfort Academy before running for office to ensure we're led by competent and educated men.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

+1 Land Leader Fire


