Lankinai Ideas

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+15% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Western WestmarchesWhile our eastern cousins pass the years in peace, we, as the Shield of the West, must uphold our responsibility to hold back the centaur hordes that attempt to cross the frozen seas every winter.
-10% Fort Maintenance

Battle for the WestWhen the Great Incursion swept through the Westmarches we stood alone. Hundreds of battles were fought across our lands as we battled for our right to live. Even with the hordes pushed back across the strait we must remain vigilant, not only do stranded warbands roam our backwoods but the hordes continue to cross the ice on an annual basis.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Fording the CrossWith the islands prospering and the backing of the Federation, we can finally cross the bridge ourselves, pushing the west further into the plains.
+1 Colonists

IcebreakersOur ships are built with strong iron bows to break the ice of Tsaeshuurg's Doom. A galley of Länkinä is virtually unsinkable, and our rivals fear their steely rams.
+10% Ship Durability

Legacy of the Raven KingsThe old Raven Kings of Länkinä would board the Breaker Fleet every winter, ensuring our people knew that our leaders were willing to risk their lives to protect us. Though they may have been slaughtered by Ünseag's horde, their bravery lives on in the hearts of our sailors.
+10% Morale of Navies

Salted FishSalted fish from our lands is used across the Federation to ration the militiamen that protect our cities, with such easy access to this vital resource we are capable of marching through even the harshest of lands.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Westmarch Tax OfficeAs our colonies grow in the mainland we've found a need for an office dedicated to sending tax collectors into the plains to receive our due. Numerous other cities of the Westmarches have approached us to ask for our office's help in taxing their own people.
+10% National Tax Modifier

-10% Reinforce Cost