Lanjinhui Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+40% Female Advisor Chance
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Blue Scarves MilitiaThe Blue Scarves Militia is the volunteer army of Lanjinhui, finding its origins in the original rebellion against the Jiangdu warlord Hao Huang. Graduating from a peasant rabble into an organized resistance during their time at Tonglei, they were reformed into a proper army by Ziyou Lingxiu in 1442, serving as the guardians of the people ever since.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Banner of the OxAcross Yanshen our flag has become an icon of a future free from the tyranny of the eunuch caste, proof that the suffering peasants of the land have the power to carve their own path in history, and lead themselves to freedom from the hands of oppression.
-5 Years of Separatism

NincìshiAfter the Fall of Ciying in 1435, the rebel forces were forced to scatter. While most followed Lingxiu to Tonglei, some followed the harimari Ruzu of the Hidden Thorn to the hills of Nongshan, carrying out assassinations and espionage missions for the sake of the rebellion. Today, the Nincìshi continue to act as Lanjinhui's dagger and ears, silently protecting the republic from the shadows.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+20% Spy Network Construction

Jian to PlowsharesIn times of war, our men take to the field to defend the republic. In times of peace however, they return to their fields, no longer soldiers but simple farmers tending to the vast and bountiful fields of Lanjinhui.
+10% Production Efficiency

Lingxiu CodeTo organize the roaming bands of rebels and bandits after the rebellion, our founder Ziyou Lingxiu drafted the document which outlines the structure of our government, as well as the laws of the republic. It has served us well since our founding, streamlining our administration and fostering unity amongst our people.
-15% State Maintenance

Lanjin HallEstablished in 1612, Lanjin Hall is a public university near the center of Lanjincun, accepting students from all backgrounds, races, creeds, and classes to learn and advance our understanding of the world for the sake of all within Lanjinhui and beyond.
-5% Technology Cost

Republic of LanjinhuiWe have come a long way from a rabble of rowdy peasants, rebelling against a cruel and oppressive warlord to create a better life for our descendents.\n\nLanjinhui no longer stands simply as a collection of villages and towns, but as an established state, a gleaming beacon of freedom in a sea of autocrats, devoted to protecting the rights of our people and the democratic traditions of our republic.
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

+15% Reinforce Speed