Lamwun Ideas

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-10% Construction Cost
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Great ToulauThe Toulau is a massive circular building of packed earth and brick, unique to the lands of Lamwun, that serves as a highly fortified communal living complex, safe from raiders and invading armies alike. The city of Lamwun itself consists of dozens of these structures linked together with extensive tunnel and bridge networks, granting the city incredible resilience in a siege.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Of River And WoodLamwun was first founded after Harimar cut down more than a quarter of the Zyuhungjip Forest, with Jiangszun refugees that migrating south before settling the land. The Naamjyut who remained behind in their ruined homes joined together with the Jiangszun; our descendents result from their union. From such differing peoples, we have a knack for interacting with foreign emissaries and lords.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Between the TyrantsOur city has long been trapped between the imperialist city-states of Bianfang in the west and Szicheng in the east. For centuries we have known that letting down our guard would mean certain conquest by one of these powers, or worse, complete devastation as the two fight over our lands. The guardsmen of Lamwun have always stood ready and firm to confront such dangers.
+25% Garrison Size
+10% National Garrison Growth

Vermillion GateWhen the Sun Elf Jaher conquered Lamwun, and later established rule over the Zyuhungjip, he ordered the construction of the looming Vermillion Gate on the southern end of our city. Built out of vibrant red steel and standing high over even the tallest Toulaus, it represented his triumph over the long feared Naamjyut tribes. Though his victory and success clearly did not last, his gate does, a reminder of when the elves ruled the jungle from our noble city.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Communal IdentityThe close confines of the Toulau nurtures even closer bonds between our people. They share their struggles and celebrations with their neighbors, with whom many maintain familial ties going back centuries. Whatever fate happens to befall Lamwun, her people shall never turn on another child of the Toulaus.
-1 National Unrest

Wucyun SteelThe village of Wucyun was founded by several of the renowned smiths of the forest, who continued their craft after being removed from their homes, passing it down through the generations.\n\nToday they continue to produce some of the finest blades in Yanshen, and though they may lack the magical touch of proper Zyujyut arms, they are no less lethal in the hands of a skilled blademaster.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Lamwun SpiritThe Lamwun Spirit refers to the endurance and bravery our people have shown in the face of adversity over the centuries. Not once has our city been taken bloodlessly; conquerors have always been forced to bleed and cry for every inch, every well, and every Toulau of Lamwun.\n\nOur ancestors were forced from their homes by war and conquerors, and we are determined to never experience such trauma again.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

+10% Morale of Armies