Lamentaire Ideas

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+20% National Sailors Modifier
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+25% Religious Unity

The Golden Age of PiracyWealth, fame, power; what drives a man to crime? The answer, opportunity. When the Ruined Sea grew littered with treasure fleets, so too did the jolly rogers litter the horizons! The misshapen and downtrodden, the adventurous and daring, and the bloodthirsty and cruel: what drives these men to raid upon the sea is the mere fact that they can. Those in search of fortune are sure to find it in the precursor relic laden hulls of Eborthili ships; those seeking mystery and exploration can bravely venture into the mists; and those in search of a fight will be sure to get one! Beware, sailors, for there’s pirates everywhere and a pirate in everyone.
+10% Available Loot
+20% Privateer Efficiency

Worshippers of the SeaOur nation owes its very existence to three things: the wealth of Aelantir, the might and power of the ancient and primordial water god Uelos, whose cult and followers are almost as ancient as the tides themselves, and the genius and skill of Trystan of Shell Shallows. Though expelled from his home in Uelaire by uncompromising and intolerant fools, Trystan seized the opportunity to gather fellow devotees of mighty Uelos and sail west, for wealth, freedom and a haven away from the persecution faced on Cannor. Here we can worship in peace, and seek greater connection to the powers and truths of Uelos.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Monsters of the OceanDeep, deep within the abyss of the ocean lie creatures of myth and nightmares, yet not all remain dormant. Gerudian krakens pale in comparison to the tendrils that extend from blackened waves in the Ruined Sea, Dreadnought Whales littered with golden scars break ships in half within their jaws, and creatures with no name leave not even the wrecks of ships behind. These beasts and the pirates of the Ruined Sea are two sides of a coin, bound to each other as a pirate is bound to treasure. A pirate unprepared to fight for their life is unlikely to make it far in these seas, a kind of pirate you’re unlikely to find here. So too then, should the beasts be wary, for each side of the coin be as predator as it be prey.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

As Above So BelowThough our new home is treacherous, it has proven fruitful in its riches, both material and magical. The Storm Maidens of our nation have found ancient ruins below our feet containing depictions and tales of what many in Lamentaire believe to be the rites and magics of Uelos, and with them, the secrets to summoning creatures from the deepest and darkest reaches of Uelos’s domain; from vast serpents whose scales swallow light, many-toothed sharks whose fury rivals that of a hungered ogre to even nightmarish krakens, whose tendrils spell the doom to those who oppose us!
+1 Naval Leader Shock

Where None SailDotted lines and scrawlings on paper only take you so far in the Ruined Sea, for there is no true map. When the waves crest tall as the Thorned Lady of Isobelin, what good will a map do you? When a whirlpool sucks you under and you rise once more in unfamiliar seas, what good will that charted course do you? It is the pirate captains who recognize that they do not make demands of the sea, but are merely subjects to its whim. With winds at their backs, the magic of the Ruined Sea can be navigated. When one looks for pirates, you must remember to not only be vigilant of the horizons, but of the skies and the waves as well.
+5% Global Naval Engagement Modifier
-10% Naval Attrition

The TidecityLamentaire, a center of worship to the primordial god of water, Uelos, is a place unlike anywhere else on the face of Halann. Scholars lurk in ancient ruins of indeterminable origin, searching for greater mysteries and magics to uncover; and above them mighty temples dominate the sky, land and sea around our nation, housing the faithful as they intone their prayers to Uelos whilst the haunting chants of the Storm Maidens echo out from their deepest cloisters. Guarded by mysterious magics, Lamentaire is protected from seabound attacks by rough waves, horrific storms and far, far worse; such defences only calm for those who pledge their heart and soul to Uelos.
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

The Drowned OnesThough all of the pirates of Lamentaire are feared, it is only the Drowned Ones who make even the most foolhardy and brave of sailors quiver in their boots and say prayers to whoever they think can offer them salvation. They were once normal pirates, those whose devotion to Uelos outweighed their humanity. The Storm Maidens take them to the deepest darkest depths of Lamentaire’s many temples to Uelos, and sing prayer and ritual to Uelos as they ritualistically drown the zealous sailor whilst carving runes across their flesh. When their lungs fill with water and their flesh goes cold, they will rise as a terrible beast, more similar to the monsters below the Ruined Sea than their fellow man, their body twisted into chimeric beasts and their features intermingled with that of aquatic monsters. The seas and the creatures within them recognize these undying monsters as sovereign, and their power serves Lamentaire and Uelos until the end of time.
-20% Admiral Cost

+10% Morale of Navies