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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-15% Mercenary Cost

The First LorentishAll things must have a beginning. Lorentish culture, the beating heart of elvenized Cannor, started with the marriages between elves and mighty lords. While Ioriel herself was the greatest guide to this new era, Kyliande takes pride in being among the first to bear their new elven culture. Morganne síl Kyliande, in marriage and conception to Alvarion Duskwatcher, began the transformation of the rough Lorenti into the refined Lorentish.\n\nNot far from Lorentainé and the Rewanwood before they became the Redglades, but far enough away from the bustling cities: Kyliande is where many Elves fell in love with the idyllic farmlands of the Upper Bloodwine. Their descendants still live amongst us, full-blooded and half elves alike.
+1 Possible Advisors
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The Rise and Fall of Morganne and BeltramMorganne síl Kyliande and Beltram Ventis grew up in turbulent times. Both born the sole heir to their lines in an era of war as the Sorcerer-King and his acolytes tore across Cannor, the two were ultimately bound to unite their houses. Inseparable in their youth, they walked hand-in-hand by the Bloodwine, dreaming of their great future together. But the clarion call of war summoned Beltram and his father to fight against Black Castanor, leaving Morganne alone. Beltram fought valiantly at the Battle of Elderlan, the last counterattack by Castanor, where his lord father perished. Morganne soon found herself ruling both estates, as Beltram's mother had passed from sickness and her own father defenestrated.\n\nThe triumphant hero returned home to his beloved bride. A bittersweet wedding was hosted, a gloomy air of the dead lingering over them. Underneath the light of the full moon, Morganne paced through the gardens and met the most beautiful rose: Alvarion Duskwatcher. An exceptionally handsome elf, Alvarion found it no trouble to entrance and seduce the young duchess. And while the night was still young, Morganne took Alvarion to bed. Beltram too thought to pay his bride a visit and stumbled upon this encounter.\n\nThe broken vows between houses Kyliande and Ventis, and the marriage of Morganne and Alvarion, is considered one of the major catalysts for the conflicts that began shortly thereafter between the elvenized Lorentish and the traditional Lorenti.
+1 Diplomats

Stewards of the TombThe schism of the Upper Bloodwine duchy proved to be the match to light the fires of war. Beltram Ventis, along with other Lorenti disheartened by the ever-increasing power of the Queen-Mother Ioriel and her elven cousins, rose in rebellion throughout the kingdom. Morganne found herself facing against the combined forces of Beltram and the Rewantis on their way to depose the elven queen, as well as her own head. War raged across Lorent for years, but the Siloriel crown persevered. The rebellious lands along the Bloodwine, as well as the remnants of the great Rewanwood, were partitioned amongst loyalists.\n\nFollowing the rebellion, the lands of the síl Kyliandes were greatly expanded as reward for their loyalty to Ioriel. Former lands of the Rewantis were distributed to Kyliande, including portions of the Rewanwood not incorporated into the Redglades. Years later, their woodlands would become something of much greater importance. \n\nDuring the Interregnum following the death of Empress Jexis and the fracturing of the Phoenix Empire, the half-brother of the slain empress sought revenge against Ioriel Redrose. Elizar the Blooded’s army chased Ioriel to the eaves of the Redglades and met the final stand of the Queen’s protectors. All of Lorent’s finest warriors, even our champions of Kyliande, could not stop the Bastard Emperor from vengeance. At the scorched eaves of the glades a grand tomb and memorial was built for the Queen-Mother of Lorent. Ever since then, the síl Kyliandes have watched over her tomb, entrusted by the Siloriels for our long years of leal service.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Elvenized TradeStraddling the Bloodwine, Kyliande sits upon the conflux of multiple gilded trade routes. Upriver is Lorentainé, royal seat of the Siloriels and greatest city in Lencenor, as well as the ancient dwarven Rubyhold. Downriver are the countless vinyards of the Wine Lords, each castle holding a kingdom's wealth from the rich soil and prized wines. To the west are the Flats, pastoral fields dedicated to cattle and horse husbandry.\n\nAnd to the northwest, Ioriel's Rest and Gladegate, the eaves of the Redglades. From there the forbidden elven forest meets the outside world, as well as the fine elven silk exchanged for metalwork, wine, and horses. Many humans, elves, and half-elves from without and within the Redglades visit Ioriel's Grave as well as an act of pilgrimage, paying homage to the great Queen-Mother.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Maintaining the FacadeThe house of Kyliande has renown throughout Lencenor for not only their storied past, but also their patronage of the arts. With funds secured through trade along the Bloodwine and pilgrimages to Ioriel's Rest, as well as the financial boom from colonialism in Aelantir, cultural establishments from libraries to opera houses have been built not just in Kyliande, but across the Bloodwine and into the Flats where such institutions are unheard of. \n\nThe establishments owned by the Kyliande dynasty do collect some funds to ensure their family's wealth, but their true goal was never profit nor philanthropy. Such outward shows of spending for the most prestigious of endeavours was meant to proclaim their wealth and status far above their actual worth.
-10% Construction Cost

Blue Sashes AcademyEstablished in 1502 AA for the education of the magically talented, the Blue Sashes Academy began as an expansion of the small-scale courtly education sponsored by the Kyliande but quickly grew into much more. Fueled by an ever-increasing demand for magically talented warriors and officials, especially as representatives of the Lorentish crown abroad, the Academy soon grew to be one of the premier institutions in Lencenor.\n\nWhile only the most talented, and wealthy, can afford to study with the Ruby Order in Lorentainé, the Blue Sashes Academy endeavored to attract talent from even those of lesser means. It is rumoured that those indebted to the academy act as agents, trained in the art of the cloak and dagger under the guise of cast of darkness.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Stewards of the CourtAs an ancient house dating back to the ninth century AA, the síl Kyliande dynasty takes pride in their ancestry from Caylen Caylentis, founder of the Lorentis line that would become the modern Siloriels. While marked by our bastardry, our dynasty has long roots in the lands of Lencenor, reaching as far as the Redglades to the Bay of Wines itself.\n\nWe pride ourselves as stewards of the Siloriels, sending squires and noble daughters to serve in wedding and our finest advisors for their courts. Our blue sashes can always be found on Siloriel property and functions. That loyalty will serve us well one day.
+20% Spy Network Construction


