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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+15% Fort Defence

StoneheartsThe Fathide clans are many things. Unruly, self-centered, greedy. We are different. As the last truly loyal member of the Great Clans, we have served the throne of Maghargma unbroken for centuries, providing service through times both good and bad. Our loyalty has in turn been richly rewarded, and we have proven our dependability in the eyes of our neighbors.
+5% National Tax Modifier
+10% Improve Relations

KelaktarThe clans of the Fathides build great and imposing fortified cities, housing their entire clan and their retainers, along with those clanless either seeking protection or a chance to rise through society.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Devourers of the GodsOur power comes from our devouring of our old gods, the True Giants, long ago. Even now, the fact that we and we alone were allowed to partake in this grand feasting confirms our superiority, and proves that our destiny is to rule all the lands our hungry eyes can see.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Great Market of KronaktotravOur clan holds the largest market in the Ogre Mountains, the beating heart of commerce in the region feeding wealth into the arms of our masters. As their - and our - star rises once again, we must ensure that this market grows with it so that the arteries of our economy remain strong.
+30% Caravan Power

Ogrish DiplomacyWe Ogres aren't exactly renowned for our charisma, with many smaller races terrified by our mighty girth and "barbaric" practices. We can use our intimidating physique to our advantage however, for it is widely known that a threat from an ogre is never an empty one.
+50% Power Projection From Insults
-10% Unjustified Demands

Feasting HallsThe centerpiece of any proper Ogre city, the feasting halls are massive buildings packed with revellers and supplying diverse buffets of flesh, produce, and drink. When confronted by this grand bounty, many times brawls end up breaking out. While these scuffles may cause a bit of damage, they ensure we always know where to look for new warriors.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Trade RoadsOur caravan routes not only serve to move goods, but they are well suited to move troops as well. This was evidenced in the rise of our clan in 769, when Maghargma found itself under siege until our founder marched a force to relieve them, sped along by the tradeways.
+15% Movement Speed


