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Primary Culture

-20% Foreign Core Duration
+25% Garrison Size

The Moon CultIn Kuzaram, the 'realm of the Moon', Kuza, ancient goddess of the Moon and mother of Surael, was always worshipped as much as her son. It made the Damerians even think during their control of Bulwar that the shepherds worshipped an altered version of the Dame. One of the striking differences between Kuzarami and the rest of Bulwar is that the most important prayer of the day is not made at dawn but at the twilight, the Kuzarami praying for Kuza to regrow and help them fight the Darkness in their hearts. And every lunar month when the Moon disappears, the Kuzarami lighten their homes and the whole mountains and pray for two days for Kuza to reappear. Often claimed to be among the most superstitious Bulwari, the Kuzarami are proud of their religious traditions and even observe these rites when leaving their mountains.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Treacherous PassesThe Kuz mountains are the southern part of the Harpy Hills and they split Bahar from the rest of Bulwar. No good road was ever made throughout the centuries as the clans kept the mountains passes for them and all foreign leaders had to bargain with them for safe passage or risk to suffer deep losses when crossing the mountains.\n\nAn example of this can be found during the Jexisian Civil War: Filinar of Kalib, lieutenant of Elizar the Blooded in Bulwar tried several times to cross the Sad Kuz to crush the rebels of Birsartansbar. But the mountain clans were deeply loyal to the Amarienzuir dynasty, for it was Amarien of Imulušes that had burnt the last harpy nests in the mountains and freed the Kuzarami. They refused Filinar passage, harassing his armies and rooting his vanguard in the Iron Pass, allowing their overlords to focus on their armies in Baharses.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Iron MountainKuzarami are a simple people and they mostly devote their lives to their herds. But in the north lies Barzil Sur, the Iron Mountain which has produced ore that furnished weapons and armours since the times of Ancient Bulwar. Nowadays, the mines ensure that no soldier of Kuzaram will lack a weapon in battle.
-15% Regiment Costs

Sky BurialsBulwari after their death are most of the time cremated. But in Kuzaram, the dead are given a sky burial: the corpses are brought to remote mountainous areas to rot and be eaten by the vultures and other animals. The living come later and collect their bones which are then put to rest in the village they come from.\n\nAccording to legends, this cultural practice comes from the first Harpy times, when the feral monsters kidnapped men not only for reproduction but also as food. One aged leader, terrified of the plight that had befallen his clan, made a bargain with the harpies: they would receive the dead of the village but promise to not eat the living. But despite their liberation from the Harpies, this practice endured and Cannorian scholars often criticize this tale for Harpies are rarely seen eating Human flesh.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Ravelian ExperimentsIn the 17th and 18th centuries, the Ravelian Rectorate organized several expeditions throughout the world to unravel the secrets of the world. One of the areas they chose for their experiments was the Sad Kuz which was the highest mountain of Bulwar, accessible and yet far from much of the cities, making it a better candidate than the peaks of the Dwarovar or Trialmount. There, they practised experiments to calculate the speed of light, Halann's circumference, gravity or the powers of artificer inventions. While at first the Kuzarami were wary of these strange foreigners, the numerous expeditions brought new ideas to the mountain clans and made them interested in new discoveries.
-10% Idea Cost

Burat KazašFor most of their history, Kuzarami were often confounded with their distant shepherd cousins of Gelkalis. But it all changed with Burat Kazaš. Born in a mountain clan, he embraced his vocation as bard and travelled through all Bulwar with one goal: show how glorious Kuzaram was and how bad the Gelkari were. He was often seen as a prankster for his accent and grammar were far removed from the standards of good Bulwari society. His poem ‘Utur-Irnitu' (Great Success) made the phrase famous throughout Bulwar as he boasted at how pathetic the Gelkari were in their endeavors compared to the mighty Kuzarami.\n\nMaking enemies everywhere he went, he was forced to travel throughout his life and decided one day to leave for Aelantir. He only came back in his twilight years to put down in words his experience in what is considered his magnum opus: ‘Cultural learnings of Aelantir for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kuzaram'. With such a figure, even Aelantiri nations know of the existence of Kuzaram!
-50% Covert Action Relation Impact
+50% Power Projection From Insults

The Kuzar WoolCompared to the monstrous goats of the Gelkari, Kuzarami shepherds have specialized in the Kuzar goat, a delicate and rather small mountain goat that produces a wool of exquisite quality but in small numbers. Already a luxury good in the times of Ancient Bulwar, it only became even more renowned with the Ravelian experiments, the researchers praising the Kuzar clothes and bringing them back to Cannor. It led to a steady increase of wealth for the mountain clans as Cannorian and Bulwari merchants competed for the low amount of wool available.
+10% Production Efficiency

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre


