Kuxheztar Ideas

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+15% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Red Dragon ScionsMany centuries ago, the great dragon Nimrith the Red awoke in Khugdihr. After defeating its defenders and laying the hold to waste, we arrived in his wake. Our tough scales may be dark, adapted as we are to our underground home, but shine a light on them and the crimson hues that arise betray our noble heritage. Nimrith may be long dead and gone, but we are not so easily wiped out.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Treasure HuntersNimrith the Red was a busy dragon. While he was off laying cities in ash, he barely had time to amass the hoard a great dragon like him deserved. Therefore, us Darkscales decided to do it for him. If a great hoard was waiting for him back in Khugdihr, he would surely return to us to give us guidance. When he did return, however, the outsiders followed him. When he was killed in front of us, we could do nothing but flee. While it is a bitter memory, this time of great hoarding made Darkscale Kobolds excellent treasure hunters, procuring the finest gems and metals from under the noses of orc, goblin and dwarf.
+50% Looting Speed

The ScatteringNimrith is dead. The Darkscales have been pushed to the fringes of the Serpentspine. Be it by human, dwarf, or orc, our ancestors have been killed or driven out by all outsiders. We will never forget this. Every kobold carries a coin from Nimrith's hoard in their pouch, and vengeance in their heart.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Scarlet GloryWe have been natives to the Serpentspine for many centuries, but never as anything more than a sidenote. Now, we have finally built a realm worthy of Nimrith once more! We are organized, we are united, our fire has been lit and shall never go out again! Let there be not one cavern or tunnel unknowing of Nimrith's sign, of his scarlet glory!
+1 Yearly Prestige
-1% Prestige Decay

The No-ScalesOnce, we lived alongside the no-scales who worshipped Nimrith. But when Nimrith was slain, and Khugdihr fell, they were scattered over the surface world like we were scattered through the caves. Now, however, we have found that even now we are not the only ones who revere Nimrith's glory. Though the crimes of the dwarves and humans against Nimrith and ourselves are great, through severe atonement, they too may bask in his glory. After all, we are still not that many in number, and Nimrith's realm must grow to become great indeed.
+2% Missionary Strength
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The Life HoardWhile we lived in our caves, the world kept moving without us. So many new strange and wonderful things have been invented by the no-scales in and beyond the mountains. Things we can use. Long ago, we gathered wealth and rare things to build a hoard to convince Nimrith to come back to us. Now, we build a new hoard, with renewed and glorious purpose. With the greatest technologies, magical and otherwise, we shall build Nimrith anew. Great wings of gold and steel, powered by magic and great furnaces. Shimmering red scales of ruby, jasper and garnet, strengthened with mithril. A powerful maw that spews flames hot enough to rival dragonfire. Nimrith's soul will only return to us if his new body is as mighty as his old one, and we shall not rest until it is complete.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Firedrake BatteriesAs we were figuring out a way for Nimrith's new body to spew fire, we figured out this was something we could use on the battlefield as well. Smaller, more portable firespewers were created, capable of bellowing out flames for three minutes straight before the fuel tanks had to be refilled. This would be used as the primary weapon for the new firedrake formations, who would fight on the frontlines of any offensive, burning away barricade and foe alike before the rest of our troops would jump in and finish off any stragglers.
+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row

+10% Morale Damage