Kuta Ideas

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+1 Diplomats
+10% Morale of Navies

Blessings to the SeaAlthough the world holds many dangers, the great ocean is not one of them. As old as us, even older, the ocean does much for us. It protects us from harm, allowing a handful of brave Kuta to protect the rest from harm. It also provides a year-long source of food, providing a plentiful bounty of fish, big and small, for the Kuta to graze upon without concern for harvests or rains. It does this without complaint, and without payment - for most.\n\nWe hold a yearly festival where many fruits and vegetables are thrown into the ocean, a payment in nourishment for all that it does for us, followed by games and festivities where the ocean might watch and be entertained. These do wonders to keep tensions from boiling over, as well.
-2 National Unrest

Assistance from the Pirate QueenAlthough a navy is necessary to protect Kuta, the irony is that we had almost none to speak of. There were very few places for constructing powerful ships meant for the open seas, and fewer still to maintain them - the resources were simply needed for other affairs. This all changed when a group of Yanshen pirates sailed to our shores, captained by a pirate queen. Following a friendly reception and a few hours of examinations, they offered a deal: they would pay for the construction of port infrastructure, provided they were given preferential treatment.\n\nThe docks that followed were grand and efficient, providing room for even the greatest ships to come to port and rest. Many new techniques were pioneered in the creation of the first Kuta dock, many of which are still used today to great effect.
+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier
-10% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Rites of MatrimonyIt is on the banks of our humbly-nestled brooks that a man and a woman revel in the merry manifestation of their love for one another as warm conviviality fills the air, flowing from the jubilant melodies provided by a small band of Kai bards. Marriage along the waterfront is a common sight in Kuta, for it is believed that those who proclaim their union whilst basking upon the shore shall receive the blessings of the sea, guaranteeing a joyful life together. In the event that a couple cannot reach the sea, a small stream offers a suitable substitute.\n\nSuch rituals are often referred to as the Kutan Rites of Matrimony, an age-old tradition that has spread throughout much of the Lupulan. Every year, hundreds of potential pairings make their way to these bountiful shores to be wedded, oftentimes settling down and pursuing a fruitful life in Kuta's tropical clearings and ample rainforests.
+10% National Manpower Modifier

An Open Haven for AllIn a history that dates back to the initial encounters with the Pirate Queen, Kuta has been a port that is open to anyone. Though the tolls are slightly higher than most, the sheer openness of the docks makes up for it. All individuals, provided that they follow Kuta's laws on dry land, are allowed to do as they please upon their ships. There have been cases of pirates saving their own lives by sailing into Kuta, where their presence was not only embraced, but protected by the local forces.\n\nAs a result, ideas tend to flow in and out of Kuta more openly than any other place, for our extraordinary openness makes our port a far more tempting haunt for merchants; though the sea elves come to buy goods, oftentimes they often also sell new information to be investigated and processed.
-10% Idea Cost

Mad Dogs of the Ringlet IslesThough the ocean might protect us, that is only partially true - in actuality, the ocean provides us the opportunity to protect ourselves. It is still up to the sailors of Kuta to fight well enough to turn aside any army. As it so happens, they are capable of just that.\n\nKuta sailors are braver than any other on Halann, and fiercer too. Many a raider ship has been defeated after being outmaneuvered by a Kuta ship, who moved in to board and battle when their opponents would least expect it. Many soldiers first distinguish themselves on the ocean, and nearly all leave with their aptitude at sea unharmed.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Weaponizing the DjongsOriginally, most Kuta ships were light, efficient vessels. They were small, and were designed to be easy to bring to port and depart - for their environment was one with poor ports. They were made to transport individuals and to survey the Ringlet Isles, and were designed with exceptional speed in mind - to evade fights, rather than perform them.\n\nEventually, due to sustained naval combat, these djongs found new purpose. The djongs would be tied to larger, heavier ships, then detached as combat was joined. They were able to maneuver around larger ships and, using the exceptional bravery of Kuta sailors, boarded and neutralized enemy ships-of-the-line.
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

Adopting Cannorian DoctrineIn the year 1787 - according to the newly adopted Cannorian calendar - the port of Kuta was as prosperous as ever. Increased Cannorian presence in Haless resulted in an even greater influx of information and goods, the most notable of which were missionaries. These Ravelian missionaries eventually found their mark and, slowly, converted the populace to Ravelianism. In the year 1788, a single year after efforts began, the nation of Kuta was the first in Haless to officially proclaim its state religion Ravelianism. A period of openness followed after, where the country gradually permitted more and more business opportunities, including the first organized logging companies for the Lupulan Rainforest.\n\nIt was said that Kuta was the main factor in the spread of Ravelianism, for their native missionaries were more capable of adapting the faith to the unique conditions of Haless.
+1 Missionaries

-5% Technology Cost