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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Shock
-25% Mercenary Maintenance

Sarraka AuxiliariesWhen Jaher arrived, he truly embodied Surael's awesomeness, strength, and power. We are reminded of him every time we bear witness to our Sarraka auxiliaries, the Sunriders: an elite force of elven mages, provided by our overlords in Varamhar, slinging powerful magic atop Kumarkand's finest warhorses. With their assistance, our cavalry can blast apart any foe.\n\n(Of course, some of our citizens grumble they could do as good or better provided equal training...)
+0.1 Cavalry Shock

Dryland FarmingKumarkand defines, and is defined by, farming. Quite literally, our country's name means farmland. Since before we existed as a polity, we made our name in turning the region's arid land into lush verdure. And as long as the Suran flows, as long as Surael's sun shines bright over head, we shall continue to do so.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Kumarkandi Draft HorseAcross Bulwar, the Kumarkandi are often derided as a stubborn and unyielding lot. But, if they ever met our horses, they would understand why. The beasts are twice as stubborn as even the most undiplomatic human, and it takes a people just as tough to control them.\n\nBut alas, they shall never quite learn this, for this well-worked creature can only be found in our own fields. And its rugged strength and indomitable spirit is what ensures our farmers grow the best and most produce in all Bulwar.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Rangers of BulwarMost Kumarkandi are content to spend their lives working the family farm, tending the fields of their fathers and their fathers' fathers. But every so often, one is born who is different, who seeks to wander different pastures under new skies.\n\nWherever they go, however, they carry with them the skills in-born to any Kumarkandi: loyalty, determination, fortitude, self-sufficiency. It is thus unsurprising many become talented rangers and adventurers (and similarly unsurprising when they offer their birth-country their services at reduced prices).
-25% Mercenary Cost

Abtu Khati"Good abtu khati is made of quality refined flour, free of impurities such as husk and bran, with plenty of salt in it to break down its density. Let it ferment well, to create a good bread with airy and light texture. Knead the dough very well, let it rise, knead it again, divide it into portions, and wait until they rise. Ensure thin consistency, so it develops more bubbles as it bakes. Serve with dips, meats, and olive oil."\n\n-An excerpt from The Book of Dishes, a famed 10th century text, describing the preparation of an equally famous Kumarkandi bread — the staple of every meal, and a faithful companion on every journey.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Demos the Half SunCenturies ago, the Harpy Matriarchy treated Kumarkand as its personal hunting grounds, preying upon crops, livestock, and men with abandon. The fields grew desolate, ravaged by these savage reapers and abandoned by farmworkers. And then Demos arrived.\n\nAdorned in bright bronze armor and a golden mask, he stood bright on the plains of Xharraranaz — an irresistible target. Over many months, with bow and spear and sword, he slew dozens of harpies who sought to claim him as their own. It was only when the Matriarch herself came, amidst a storm of wind and rain, that any of them could stand against him. And even she could not capture him; their duel ended in a mortal blow to Demos, the matriarch fluttering away with a wing sliced off (she would die of her wounds a few weeks later).\n\nAfterwards, the local farmers hesitantly approached the hero's corpse, and unmasked him for the first time. They discovered that he was a half-elf, the only one ever known to walk the fields of Kumarkand. And while the stiff-necks in Bulwar decried this as abomination, we know the truth: he was chosen by Surael, and Demos the Half-Sun remains a legendary figure to this day.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Discovery of the Ruins of KarqašluFor centuries, the ruins of Karqašlu lay untouched, treated by the locals with a blend of superstition and fear. But the Varamhari lust for new magics led them to brush aside any such concerns and they mounted several expeditions into its depths. Though fruitless, they were only the first.\n\nIn 1601, Temenos Fula, the renowned local explorer, noticed an odd helmet buried under rubble. Adorning it, the artifact began to glow faintly, and immediately his magical items fell useless to his side. Whatever he had discovered, it seemed to grant a level of magical immunity to its wearer.\n\nThe Akal would claim the helmet (and its companions discovered in later expeditions) as Kumarkand's rightful property upon Fula's death, and they would become the core of an elite mage-resistant force within the state's armies. (Pay no heed to any mention of a strange voice entering one's mind when the helmet is worn, it is mere illusion and imagination).
-10% Shock Damage Received

-10% Cavalry Cost


