Kulugiash Ideas

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+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Peace Between HousesWhen Kheterata ruled over Horashesh, they split our homeland into Medasi - regions to be ruled over by a Kheteratan governor working in tandem with a local monarch. Other Medasi have descended into petty conflicts, fighting each other for influence until the quaggas come home and the sun falls out of the sky. Kulugiash has historically been more prudent. Both Kheteratans and the native houses of Kulugiash knew the merits of coming together to obtain goals. While others bleed each other white, we put aside our differences and preserved peace between houses. It would take something extraordinary to break this harmony between our people…
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The QuaggaIn our lands there exists a breed of horse called the quagga. Carefully raised and bred by mages, it is the absolute pinnacle of its species, unmatched in bravery and unparalleled in its stoicism. Unlike weaker horses, or other equines such as the zebra and the wild ass, the quagga can survive any and all harsh conditions it faces — even to its own detriment if the rumours are to be believed.
+20% National Supply Limit Modifier

Our Men For Our OwnKheterata would in days past rely on Kulugiash, our homeland, for its auxiliaries and elite soldiers. They plucked our finest generals to serve their own goals. When Kheterata suffered from a crisis, Kulugiash would suffer too, being bled dry of its men for the sake of the Kingdom. But that time is past. Kheterata has lost her grip over us and our armed forces shall serve for our purposes alone.
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
+10% National Manpower Modifier

The Cult of IkhanilawuliWe are the heartland of the Cult of Ikhanilawuli — a great ruler of ages long past, known above all else for training respected diplomats and leaving an example of discipline that a thousand generations would tell their children to imitate. Though dominions may rise and fall and powers appear and disappear, the greatness of Ikhanilawuli shines forth like a torch against the unrestrained folly that surrounds us. We will not forsake our great deity — never!
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Kudemtu PasturesThe Kudemtu have lived for generations as pastoralist animal herders, and have a deep shared knowledge of their trade. With their burdens borne on backs strengthened by centuries of honest labour, and with methods and skills handed down to them by their ancestors' ancestors, we know few who can rival the Kudemtu in their skill of animal husbandry or ability to bring forth the fruits of the earth.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Divided NationKulugiash has always been split between the Khetist settlers in the highlands and the native followers of the Noukahi Pantheon down in the savanna. For centuries we have been able to preserve peace between our people, but the collapse of Kheterata has caused tensions to start bubbling beneath the surface. These divisions in our nation cannot last forever. But, at least for now, we have ways to quell these dissidents.
-20% Harsh Treatment Cost

A Modern ArmyDuring the Third Kuiika Wars, the might of the Kuiika army was feared throughout Horashesh. Their numbers dwarfed their Horasheshi neighbours and it seemed inevitable their forces would crush any resistance. However, under the leadership of Esi ‘the Gunman’, a general in the Kulugiash army with a radical approach to military reform, the Kulugiash military was equipped with firearms purchased from Cannorian traders. At the Battle of Shen Yunas, it is said not a single Kuiika warrior reached the Kulugiash battlelines, with every single one being struck down by musket fire.
+0.15 Infantry Fire
+1 Land Leader Fire

-5 Years of Separatism