Kuenan Nirokyu Ideas

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-10% Core-Creation Cost
+20% Garrison Size

A Mountain Rising“And as he descended from heaven's peak, \n and so forth set salvation at our feet, \n unto our heights we rise again.” \n - The Voyen Codices, Stele 1, Stanza 5. \n\nThe Kuenan Nirokyu, or Rising Mountain Clan, was established in 1401 after our founder’s clan was destroyed by the rise of Nutean Kezen and cast out of the northern forests. We found ourselves placed upon the mountain peaks between the sparse lowlands and those ancient woods, bereft of leadership. In a plea to the gods, one mage having barely seen their 17th winter climbed the mountains themselves. A month later, when all thought him dead, he returned down with a staff made of glowing wood and seven stones of purest crystal, containing the last tears of Order itself, taking upon the new name Honansyul to lead his newly reformed clan, saying that greatness awaited all who followed him.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

The Divine City“Five made one whole order, \n Clad in alabaster and gold, \n our purpose was clear.” \n - The Voyen Codices \n\nThe’as Aschur is the heart of Nomsyulhan. Four smaller cities geometrically arrayed around a larger central capital complex, even going as far as to cut into the geography of the landscape and one outer city built entirely out into Naze Syul. Seen as the most holy site for the Eagle Hobgoblins due to its connection with the spirits and the False Enlightened, in 1419 Honansyul led his clan south with one goal- to take the city for his clan, and restore it to its ancient glory. Gathering through conquest and diplomacy as many warriors and Magi as possible with promises of glory, enlightenment, and a stable home, The’as Aschur fell to the power of the Rising Mountain.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Suginpunze“When all struggle as one, \n Heaven is within our grasp, \n It matters not who is kith and kin.” \n - The Voyen Codices, Stele 4 Stanza 2. \n\nWhen The’as Aschur was conquered from their ogre inhabitants, work began to restore the city in proper False Enlightened fashion. But skilled labour was sparse aside from the local ogres. Thus in 1420, Honansyul commanded that the local Soulseeker Ogres would assist in the efforts to restore the city via the Suginpunze, or “Work for Paradise”, in which in lieu of paying taxes or tithes, all ogrish artisans would instead pay their dues to the Rising Mountain by restoring the city for a third of each year. This system would later be expanded and reformed to include all ogres within the borders of Kuenan Nirokyu in 1439 and would no longer be restricted to artisans.
-10% Development Cost

Shaping of Gravity“As they Shaped Reality, \n So do we in turn, \n Unto heights ever skyward, heavensward.” \n - The Voyen Codices, Stele 4, Stanza 13 \n\nThe Hobgoblins of the Rising Mountain had long sought the way to emulate and in turn surpass the works of the False Enlightened. In this, they turned to the Law of Gravity, bending it to their needs. Shamans turn slabs of stone as light as timber beams while still retaining their strength and density, lifting vast pallets of tiles hundreds of feet into the air, and more. All of this allowed ogrish and hobgoblin workers to build towering structures and repair damages rendered to The’as Aschur to the point of near perfect imitation. Through the Shaping of Gravity, the Rising Mountain would scrape the Heavens themselves in pursuit of Order.
-10% Construction Cost

The Great Unifier“Shattered, scattered, broken wings, \n find shelter upon the Mountain, \n be they Lion, Dragon, or Wolf.” \n - The Voyen Codices, Stele 6, Stanza 3. \n\nIn 1439 the Voyen Codices, a series of prophetic texts penned by Honansyul himself and later his disciples, in which claimed that all Hobgoblinkind would one day be united by the legacy of the Rising Mountain, ruled from a gloriously restored The’as Aschur. These codices were originally made of black bronze metallic spires, etched with symbolisms and imagery depicting broken chimeras, wounded dragons, dead elephants, a surging catfish emerging from Lake Syul, and more. Despite their debated meaning, it is clear that the Rising Mountain is fated to unite all hobgoblins, regardless of where they may be found.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Ogre Warriors“Many move as one, \n And even mountains move, \n When Unity is brought to bare.” \n -Voyen Codices, Stele 7, Stanza 2. \n\nThe Suginprunze proved an immensely successful policy and thus in 1439 the policy was reformed, allowing ogres to serve in warbands that would be willing to accept them. As well, Soulseeker mages were given greater status, being recognized as almost equal Paragons of Order to Eagle Hobgoblin shamans. With hobgoblin and ogre working in unison both at home and on the field, Kuenan Nirokyu would come to finally crush Zugi Yusan in 1471 under Honansyul’s successor, uniting the Upper Kharunyana under one major clan for the first time in centuries.
+10% Shock Damage

False Enlightened Insights“To the Sky your songs will rise, \n Let your voices sing, \n In the name of your souls, \n In the name of your freedom, \n In sun red glow, \n Liberation has come.” \n -The Voyen Codices, Stele 9, Stanza 38. \n\nTruly, it can be said with the heart of the ancient False Enlightened’s empire upon Halann, we have become their inheritors. Texts, literature, writings both philosophical and musical have been decoded and laid bare. In their quest for magic, they lost faith when the answers they sought were not found. They sought answers among the stars, seeking their divine and when nothing came of it, thought themselves as gods. However, unlike them our eyes are not blinded by such pride nor hubris. The consequences have lain littered around us for our entire time in Nomsyulhan. There is a world beyond our mountain cradle. The False Enlightened have forged us in the horrors of their hubris, and we have learned much from what was left, and we shall use it to aid us further. All shall be united under our banner, and the Chaos that plagues this world shall be brought to heel. \n\nOrder will be restored to Nomsyulhan and the world.
+15% Institution Spread
-5% Technology Cost

+10% National Tax Modifier