Kriadvai Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
-20% Cost to fabricate claims

The Middle BrotherNakar Kriadvai is the remnant of the Erannan’s faction in the breakup of Nanru Nakar. Following the death of Pelozhil Mudaliar during the second Larankarha War, his eldest son Elatam succeeded him. He was a skilled and effective administrator, but his poor military leadership and the looming threat of Larankar led many to consider replacing him. \n\nChief among these conspirators was the youngest brother, Darandar. Erannan, who had been his father’s most trusted diplomat and most cunning spy, played the part of a "neutral" third party in the civil war, seizing Nakar Kriadvai and ensuring at first that no blood was spilt in its streets. As the war raged on, however, Erannan’s neutrality began to wear away as he saw both his brothers squander their respective third, and determined that neither was worthy of the throne, he declared himself the true king of Nanru Nakar. In the end however, the war was inconclusive, and shattered the city of Nanru Nakar into three pieces, just like the Mudaliar dynasty.
+1 Diplomats

Buried RuinsMassive towers rise up through the earth of Nanru Nakar, but many are ruined, broken spires or rubble and foundations destroyed in the fighting in the War of Three Brothers. In Nakar Kriadvai, however, due to its original neutrality and strong scavenger’s guilds, many of these towers survive intact. These sky scraping structures lead to a city beneath Nanru Nakar, filled with ancient gathering halls, palaces, workshops, and dozens of other ruins being excavated in this city beneath the city. Much work goes to excavating these ancient wonders, for the relics within are highly sought after for their practical and aesthetic uses.
+10% Production Efficiency

Catacombs TaxIn Nanru Nakar, space for the dead had always been limited, and many graves were exhumed for those who had been dead for more than a century. By 1298 AA, a more permanent solution had to be made. Cemeteries were constantly overflowing and the risk of disease was rife. The solution was to turn the excavated warrens and stripped chambers beneath Nakar Kriadvai into a massive series of ossuaries, where the bones of the dead may be placed. The chambers used were long ago picked clean of valuables or materials of use, and so could be turned into one’s personal burial chamber in exchange for a fee. However, many could not afford such a fee, and they would have their bones placed along the walls of the tunnels and chambers instead, creating an eerie atmosphere.
+20% National Tax Modifier

Experience from the Larankarha WarsThree times Larankar marched upon Nanru Nakar. The first drew to a bloody conclusion far away from our city’s walls. The second was beaten back, with the aid of Royakottar and Orenkoraim who rightfully understood that if Nanru Nakar fell, they were next. This was not without cost, however; King Pelozhil Mudaliar was slain driving the Larankarha from our walls, setting the stage for the War of Three Brothers. Then, when Larankar came for the third time, there was no united Nanru Nakar, but three squabbling and tired brothers.\n\nThe outcome was obvious, and Nakar Kriadvai was beaten. Whilst many mercenaries saw employment in the defense of the city at the time, poor organization led to a disorganized defense and the loss of the city. Therefore, after the city’s subjugation long lists of both formal and informal mercenaries were compiled regarding who could be considered trustworthy and orderly and who could not.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Paladi AidakalWhen Erannen Mudaliar took rulership over Nakar Kriadvai, he used his network of informants to attempt to keep damages to the city to a minimum from both sides. The network of spies and informants would later be formalized into the Paladi Aidakal, named after the shreds of green cloth that they used to identify each other to signify trust and affiliation. The Paladi Aidakal would be instrumental in maintaining the independence of Nakar Kriadvai from the other two Nakars after Erannen declared his ambitions to the throne. Today, the organization is spread throughout much of Taychend, ensuring a steady flow of information of opportunity reaches Nakar Kriadvai.
+15% Spy Network Construction

Mysterious Tunnels UncoveredNormally, excavations beneath the city of Nanru Nakar are uneventful, but something has been found in Nakar Kriadvai that baffles any explanation. Tunnels of a construction and purpose that is not our own, which we have been finding more and more of as our excavations expand after the first. Some of those who are sent into this new system of tunnels do not seem to return, and those that do speak of shadows and shapes in the dark. The various Scavenger Guilds have then approached us with a bargain out of concern for their profits, allowing armed guards into the excavations in exchange for the guilds subsidizing various portions of the military via their mercenary connections. Not only does this allow for us to cut costs, but placate further the various Scavenger Guilds.
-10% Mercenary Maintenance

Sack of the Three CitiesWhen the Jaherian Exemplars came from the Lai peninsula to wage war against Larankar, the realms of the Kalavend who had languished under Larankar rule sought their aid in rebellion. Happily the Exemplars complied, seeing it as a means to weaken their enemy. This came to an end with the sack of Urvand. The Larankarha had taken much from us, and we wished for many relics that belonged originally to Nanru Nakar to be returned.\n\nThe Exemplars agreed, if we would only abandon our gods and embrace the light of their supposed one true god, Surael, and his herald and their namesake, Jaher. Such blatant hostage taking of our history could be neither stomached nor ignored. We seized the relics of Nanru Nakar and began the march home, but the Exemplars were faster. When the Exemplars reached the three Nakars, they divided themselves into three forces: their leader Kortazel would march on Nakar Mlerek, while two subordinates by the name of Pisandal and Alvarion led the assault on Nakar Kilaiek and Nakar Kriadvai respectively.\n\nAlvarion would attempt to seize artifacts dug up from Nakar Kriadvai's excavations, however due to the valiant efforts of numerous citizens, mercenary guards, and the Scavenger Guilds, many of these artifacts were taken and hidden in the catacombs beneath the city. In the end, Alvarion would slay the Dhavana of Nakar Kriadvai as he personally ensured a statue cast out of solid gold of the founder of the Mudalair dynasty - Liandarha - was safely transported to the depths of the catacombs. A bloody chase by Alvarion’s soldiers followed where many Nakari lives were lost, but ultimately Alvarion was forced to retreat after nine tenths of his men were killed, bringing to Kortazel a paltry haul of bloodied wealth.
-0.02 Global Monthly Devastation

-10% Development Cost