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Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency
+10% Trade Efficiency

Holding the PassOur city occupies the narrow isthmus that connects the northeast to the rest of the Federation. Hundreds of caravans pass through our gates every day, with many choosing to rest within our grand walls, hiring our carpenters and artisans to repair their wagons.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

The Twin WallsGuarding our city are the 2 walls that formed the original boundaries of our reach, built by opposing forces during the Amber Wars. When our city comes under siege the great walls offer refuge for our people.
+10% Fort Defence

The Bronze RoadThe Bronze road trade route finds its terminal within our walls, with amber, silk, and rugs coming from the east and bronze from the west, we are never low on supplies to expand our city with.
-10% Construction Cost

The Inner CityBetween the Twin Walls lies the inner city, a sprawling mass of workshops and inns to supply our city and the countless merchants that cross through it.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

Caravan GuardsFor the right price, our guardsmen will travel with and protect the caravans that pass through our city. They perform their jobs with vigilance and devotion, bringing these ideals back to our ranks and ensuring a disciplined force is always available to protect our pass.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The Bridge to KovdazarTo the east of our city lies the wealthy and storied lands of Old Kovdazar. Many have sought to conquer this golden land, with our grand walls being their first obstacle. The list of stories of valor and bravery from our city guard is long, and our people are proud to be a part of such a grand story.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Rallypoint SquareWhen the armies of Kovdazar and Guvkeshevdel allied to push back the Great Incursion, they met in the center of our city. This area has become known as Rallypoint Square and is one of the fastest growing wards of Kozuurigür. With hundreds of wealthy entrepreneurs flocking to the square we have the unique opportunity to use their wealth to renovate our city.
-5% Development Cost

+1 Leader Siege


