Kooyaahsan Ideas

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+10% Land Fire Damage
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Kseldos' BountiesThe gifts of our dead god Kseldos are many, from the water bringing life to the world, to Damestear, his blood, essential for the use of magic and artificery. All throughout Kooyaahse, the holy realm of the Ja’akaiin, countless farms are irrigated by great canals and many mages and artificers, be it Riftwatchers, Ja’adkalii or Kaiineloo, make great use of the Damestear found by our divers at the bottom of the endless ocean.
+10% Production Efficiency

Inhale, ExhaleAs artificery spread to the Kooras and flourished around the world, our people grabbed their chance to leave a mark of their cleverness on this invention. We had always been masters in hydromancy, the Ja’adkalii of Leptone notably making possible hours-long expeditions into the depths of the sea, and this proficiency was far from lost when the smallfolk arrived on our shores. Many a Ja'adkalii enthusiastically adopted the practice of artificery, their knowledge of water magic and breathing spells eventually allowing them to create the first Diving Exoskeletons, suits allowing individuals to stay immersed in water for far longer than naturally possible. As new, better versions of the Diving Exoskeletons were designed, their use in the navy started to become widespread, greatly improving the morale of the sailors and leading to the creation of Kooyaahse’s first marine regiments.
+10% National Sailors Modifier
+5% Morale of Navies

The Five KyinThe jungles and plains of southern Haraf were once empty, only populated by sparse groups of Kooras and Silent Watchers. While the Tli’yam Kyin and the Tsewee Kyin were grand cities, they could never truly match the Nani Kinn in size and pride, and were as far from Halcann’s towns as they could be. However, the arrival of the smallfolk changed that. As they found their own cities along the Artificer’s Coast, we Kooras also started to modernize. The once small towns grew in size, becoming true cities that could contest the dominance of the Ynn and Eordand in North Aelantir. Gommoport, Mestikardu, Zurzumexia, Tli’yam Kyin, Tsewee Kyin, the five Kyin, or cities of Haraf are the magnificent jewels of Kooyaahse.
-5% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

Once, a People of Two...Originally, the Kooras were nothing else than a group of Haraf’ne refugees, taken into south Haraf’s woodlands by the generous Paleptaiinky. Eventually, though, starting with Tslakiir, the very leader of the migration, the two people intermingled and out of their alliance the Kooras were born. A very distinct ability of the Paleptaiinky was Riftwatching, the capacity to pierce through the veil of reality, giving visions of other Planes of Existence and events throughout time, which was kept by the children of the loving people. Now, the trained Riftwatchers of the Kooras tribe have access to the supply of Damestear from the Leptone’s Blood Dives and are helped to channel their power by the Kaiinpi’s Kaiineloo, making our people renowned worldwide for our divining powers.
-3% All Power Costs

... Now, a Nation of FourThe arrival of the smallfolk in Haraf was a genuine blessings from the spirits. With them, they brought the wonders of artificery and boatbuilding, and they have uplifted us to create the grand nation we are today. They have the full respect of the Kooras, as our brothers and sisters.
+3 Max Promoted Cultures

The Blood MarketThe Damestear we regularly harvest on the seafloor can be extremely profitable, as we have discovered. Due to Damestear’s extreme rarity, most mages and artificers would kill to obtain a large supply of it, which we are naturally blessed with. With the advent of the Diving Exoskeletons, the Blood Dives have been far easier to prepare and launch, allowing them to become more than a once in a lifetime ritual, even constituting permanent jobs for particularly courageous Kooras. In exchange for the prized blood of our god, adventurous Cannorian and Ruinborn trade to us the equally rare and important Precursor Relics, which are sadly quite lacking in our lands. Some of our most trusted trade partners have been our Haraf’ne kin, who bring back trinkets from their immense desert, and the Eordand, who still live in preserved, ancient Precursor cities.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Shadows Along the BanksArtificery, by definition, only progresses. And as it does, so do our own people. Navigating the countless rivers and other small streams of our jungles has always been difficult, and while the hydromancy of the Ja’adkalii was helpful in that for a time, it still required immense effort and time use. As such, new artificer inventions to enhance our armies’ already expert marine and guerilla tactics were pioneered. Waterproof firearms, magi-grow rafts, and hydrophobic field generators all contributed to the unchallengeable status of our people as masters of harassment tactics in our jungle homes. Sparkdrive weaponry and personal shield generators were staples, and one of our most remarkable invention was the aquatic light refractor, which allowed entire platoons of troops to be invisible underwater (and partially so on land), greater freedom in surprise tactics, and partisan attacks.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
+8% Movement Speed

+10% Ship Disengagement Chance