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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Masters of the Deep JungleIn days long past, the forefathers of the Kooras lived simply in the large, open savannahs near the Great Desert. In 611 they were forced out of their homes by the tyrannical House Duadir’iilvitarn, who imposed their rule upon all of the Haraf’ne. Led by the hero Tslakiir, they found a new people to the southeast of their ancestral lands: the Paleptaiinky, the Singing Watchers. Looking strangely like the Silent Watchers, but with the ability to talk and sing, they quickly became friends with the Haraf’ne migrants. After centuries of intermingling, they merged into a single people: the Kooras. While the Haraf’ne were unconfident moving through the dense vegetation of the jungles that made up their new homes, the Kooras mastered the deep jungle, taking advantage of the rough terrain and countless rivers to launch deadly ambushes.
+10% Shock Damage

Tli'yam Kyin"Deep within the jungles of southern Haraf stands proudly the Tli’yam Kyin. A grand city for the standards of the region, its floating buildings bridge the powerful stream and form one of the main passage points through the Harafroy.\n\nOriginally, the Tli’yam Kyin was but one of many Paleptaiinky towns built on the banks of the river. That was until the host of Tslakiir arrived from the north in the wake of the Brothers’ Migration. The leaders of the city welcomed the Haraf’ne migrants with open arms, resulting in a boom of the city’s population. The city became a major entrepot, controlling much of the wealth that passed through the Harafroy, as well as the cradle of Kooras civilization.\n\nIn true Kooras fashion, the city’s wooden buildings mix the practical and open Haraf’ne architecture with the multi-levelled, elaborate style of the Paleptaiinky."\n-Excerpt from The Haraf Account, Vol.3
-5% Construction Cost
+5% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Half-BloodedIn Kooras society, the Paleptaiinky have always been venerated as legendary saviors and many Paleptaiinky customs are regarded as extremely prestigious. As a result, many of the tribe’s elites take pains to keep Paleptaiinky culture intact. Members of the nobility keep elaborate family trees in attempts to link themselves to Tslakiir or Paleptaiinky rulers, often branding themselves as "Half-Blooded", even if most of the time their nearest true-blooded Paleptaiinky ancestor died centuries before them. Some of the only individuals able to claim the title are the rulers of the tribe, who descend directly from Tslakiir and his Paleptaiinky wife, Chaiik, and have rigorously kept their Paleptaiinky blood strong over the course of the generations.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The RiftwatchersAn inexplicable ability of the Kooras, inherited from the Paleptaiinky, Riftwatching is essentially an extremely powerful and hard to control form of divination magic. People affected by Riftwatching will occasionally, without any warning, have visions of events past, present or future, or might pierce through the planar veil, seeing other Planes of reality such as the Feyrealm or the Elemental Planes. Powerful individuals have been known to master the ability, being able to stop the random visions at will, and sometimes even focus their magic to watch targeted visions. These mighty mages are commonly named "Riftwatchers" and are especially influential members of Kooras society. Due to the large Paleptaiinky ancestry in the Kooras tribe, Riftwatchers are relatively common in the Tli’yam Kyin, allowing the clan to predict the future on a semi-regular basis.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

Wonders of the PaleptaiinkyA popular legend among the Kooras is the story of Yunun, a mythic Paleptaiinky, said to be the greatest Riftwatcher of all time.\n\nThe tale follows Yunun as he discovers his powers and learns to use them properly, eventually becoming a skilled Riftwatcher. His most recounted exploit is his hours-long vision about the arrival and spread of artificery in Haraf. Surrounded by Precursor Relics, it is said he was able to reconstruct a small Box of Holding, more than a millennium before their invention. Although the object was far from being an exceptional artificer invention, the fact that a Paleptaiinky was able to craft one centuries before their creation was a truly amazing feat.\n\nThroughout the years, many Riftwatchers have tried to replicate Yunun’s exploit, though with less success, their crafts often having no real use at all. Despite this, the items created from the endeavor are true wonders, and many great Riftwatchers discovered their potential through their work.
-10% Advisor Cost

Friends Throughout the StreamSince its inception, the Tli’yam Kyin had always been a strategic crossing for travelers and traders alike. The arrival of the gnomes at the mouth of the Harafroy only increased the flow of trade through the city, as permanent trade routes between the Harafic and smallfolk states were established. It wasn’t long before merchant communities of gnomes and Haraf’ne alike established themselves in the city. However, it would eventually spell the tribe’s demise. The allied gnomes did not hesitate to break the trust of the Kooras, citing protection of their merchants as justification for their attack in 1573. The city’s defenses fell quickly, only resisting a few weeks to the invaders, and its population was quickly "civilized" by the gnomes.
+20% Trade Steering

Eternally MisunderstoodThe Haraf’ne, the Mayte, our Kooras kin, and now the smallfolk; none of them ever really understood the Silent Watchers. Regarded as soul stealers, vile beasts, disgusting heathens, or mindless demons all throughout Aelantir and Halcann, these poor creatures have to live their lives hidden, fleeing outsiders, just to not get brutally hunted and skinned by their own kin. We, however, know that they are no more than misguided souls, cursed to silence by the evil god Dikaal. While they may have been heretics and heathens, the Paleptaiinky showed us that redemption to Kseldos can always be found, and so can the Silent Watchers redeem themselves. They just need to be given the chance.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

+1 Merchants


