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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
-10% Technology Cost

The Konwell PressTraditionally the seat of the Imperial Archives, the city of Konwell has always been a hotspot for Anbennarian scholars, where books were safe from the frequent fires in Anbenncóst. Recently, one of our scholars, Master Scholar Olor Goodmountain, has invented a way to make the production of books more efficient, cheaper and faster. By placing some stamps on a board, dripping them in ink and then pressing them on a blank page you can write thousands of words in seconds. Although the invention has some rough edges, we have no doubt that this will truly change culture as we know it!
-20% Institution Embracement Cost

On CraftsmanshipThe work of an artisan is a slow and methodical process. For Scholar Trian of Oldpassage, that's too slow. After years and years of dedicated research and experimentation, Scholar Trian produced a treaty called, fittingly, 'On Production', detailing various techniques to improve one's productivity in manufacturing anything from farming tools to ships. Though not many of our craftsmen are able to read, several of our scholars have offered to lecture the workers on the subject of the book.
+10% Production Efficiency

Hydrodynamic HullsScholar Alvar Boatling has always been bound to the sea, and when he came to Konwell he immediately began researching ways to make ships faster. It took him sometime to figure out that the solution wasn't in rows and sails, but, in fact, in the hull itself. By designing the hull in a way that reduces the contact with water to a minimum, our ships have become decisively more agile and fast.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

The Konwellian SchoolMany of our neighbours are adopting a particular style of architecture that privileges looks over anything else. Of course, our sober scholars, under the guidance of Master Scholar Sandur of Castonath, have rose against such frivolous style, by opposing a more efficient and functional architecture to the excessive style of our neighbours. The 'Konwellian School' has already proved itself beneficial to the coffers of the State.
-15% Construction Cost
-20% Fort Maintenance

The Drill Instructor ManualCaptain Erlan, is one of our drill instructors. To the surprise of many, he learned to write and read at a young age, and many felt that he was wasting his potential by joining the army. At least until he came to court, displaying his treaty in triumph: the 'Drill Instructor Manual'. The book is a lengthy description of the various techniques drill instructors can use to form our soldiers. Were we to teach our sergeants how to read, the quality of our troops will surely increase. Who said that warriors don't read books?
+5% Morale of Armies
+5% Morale of Navies

Public SchoolingThe Academic world is a harsh place to be in. A vicious cycle of expensive equipment being only available to rich brats who only trust other rich brats. This has led to stagnation in many academies. Though, by expanding the Ducal Konwellian Press, the cost for education has significantly plummeted, making the dream of public schooling possible, thus allowing for a steady stream of Apprentices in the Konwellian Academy.
-10% Idea Cost

Provincial SystemThe advanced technology of our city, though has brought us its fair share of admiration and rewards, it also brought the envy of many who have become our enemies. Though our technological advantage surely is handy, we can still be overwhelmed by hordes of brutes. To avoid this, a commission led by Master Scholar Laurens síl Goodhaven has divided our territory in provinces, who each have to provide a set number of regiments to defend the motherland, making our forces easier to organize and able to be expanded.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

+10% Fort Defence


