Konolkhatep Ideas

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+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+25% Land Force Limit Modifier

Of Khet & GnollsAt first the relationship between the divine beings known as the Khet, and the gnolls of Konolkhatep was one of practicality, the Khet allowing the gnollish Emperors to maintain power and the gnolls facilitating the usual level of pampering the Khet were accustomed to. Over time the Sorrowclaw began to see in the Khet the expression of their ideals, these creatures lived in absolute luxury, never lifting a finger and being worshipped as gods. The gnollish nobility began to increasingly imitate the Khet themselves, constructing grand pleasure barges on which they sailed The Sorrow and maintaining vast coteries of servants and slaves to fulfil their every whim. In their own way, the gnolls became the greatest advocates the Khet had ever known.
+0.05 Monthly Mandate
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Guardian of The SorrowWhen Kyztzehr smashed the Xhazobkult shamans and declared the foundation of Konolkhatep, to honour her human allies and the Khetist clergy that had backed her, she adopted the new title Guardian-of-The-Sorrow, leaving behind the old Emperor-of-Gnollkind. Scholars argue over whether this was a genuine expression of faith or merely a clever piece of propaganda, regardless it marked a shift in focus from gnollish unification to one aimed at restoring the borders of the ancient Kheteratan empire and saw a huge upwelling of support for the dynasty from the Khetist faithful.
+25% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Feast of the HostagesJust as the many minor rivers of central Sarhal flow into the mighty Sorrow, so goes the flow of tribute from the many lesser nations into mighty Konolkhatep. By taking hostage the firstborn children of the rulers of tributary states, the Emperors of Konolkhatep were able to ensure the flow of tribute remained consistent, whilst also preparing the neighbouring rulers of the future to continue this profitable relationship. Should the tributary states not uphold their side of the bargain, then the hostages would be ritually devoured by the Konolkhatepn royal family, their gnawed bones sent back to their parents as a warning of the price of disobedience.
-25% Liberty Desire from Subject Development

Gnollish AhatiWhen the gnollish rulers first became Steward of the Sorrow, they attempted to maintain many of the ancient traditions of Kheterata to appease their human subjects. Among these were the Ahati, the merchant-warriors that served as the warrior caste of the Kheteratan people. While the Ahati at first appeared loyal to the new ruling dynasty of Kheterata, they would rise up against Konolkhatep in support of their foes during the wars with Tijarikhet in the 1670s. As a result of this betrayal the Emperor's of Konolkhatep would strip the human Ahati of their privileges and instead replace them with a new class of gnollish Ahati. These new Ahati were professional soldiers chosen for their loyalty to the Emperor who would be granted land rights and lucrative trade contracts in return for military service.
+5% Discipline

Heart of SarhalIf the Sorrow is the lifeblood of Sarhal then Kheterata is undeniably it's heart. As Konolkhatep claimed more of the lands that had once belonged to the ancient empire they were forced to contend with peoples from many different cultures and ways of life. In order to keep such a disparate patchwork of people's living peacefully, the Emperors instituted an official edict of tolerance. It did not matter what language you spoke or what species you were, none of these would prevent your advancement within Konolkhatep. The only thing that mattered was loyalty to the Emperor and of course, the Khet.
+3 Max Promoted Cultures

Peace From The Mountains To The SeaThroughout its history the lands of Kheterata have had to contend with gnollish raiders from outside its borders. With the establishment of Konolkhatep this came to an end, the gnollish dynasty subjugated the packs of the desert and brought an unprecedented era of peace and stability within the lands of Kheterata. A traveller could go from the mountains of Vus Mukis to the port of Koroshesh without fear of raiders, often seeing gnollish Ahati patrolling the highways and waterways of the empire. Merchants came to regard their deep red banners as a sign of safety and good fortune. This era of stability helped usher in a massive growth in the slave trade within central Sarhal as the gnoll packs that once captured and transported slaves were now firmly under the control of the Emperor, allowing merchants to focus on profit rather than protecting themselves from hostile packs and rival caravans.
+15% Trade Steering

House of Golden ChainsSlavery had existed within Kheterata for centuries but the years of gnollish rulership brought a dramatic increase in the practice, though laws were issued that prohibited enslaving those classed as native Kheteratans, that being anyone born along The Sorrow and its tributaries. As a result many slaves were brought in from elsewhere in Sarhal. While most went on to the vast households of gnollish nobles, educated slaves or those that showed a talent for numbers were often sent to the House of Golden Chains.\n\nThe House of Golden Chains was an empire-wide organisation of slaves belonging to the Emperor who were employed solely to administer the vast territories of the empire. With no ties to the local areas they were stationed in and reliant on the state for their welfare, the Golden Chain slaves were thought to be less likely to embezzle funds than native bureaucrats and those that served the state well were often rewarded with a level of luxury beyond what even most free citizens were accustomed to.
+5% Administrative Efficiency

+10% Infantry Combat Ability