Kohai Ideas

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+1.5 Attrition for Enemies
+20% Trade Steering

Bitter GoldOur capital of Sising is incredibly wealthy, not in gold as most know it, but in life preserving salt. From the great dried Lake Kohai we harvest the greatest hauls of salts this side of the Kharunyana. Our precious mineral is then traded all across Yanshen, Thidinkai, and far beyond as countless realms seek our bitter white gold to season their meals and preserve their supplies.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Undying CityThe city of Sising, nestled deep in the sands, has seen much tragedy in its history. When ash filled the sky, her lake dried to nothingness, her fields went fallow, and her people starved, she still stood strong, weathering the storm until better days. Likewise, when the Sun Elves sacked the city after their lord was dispatched from this world, her people did not abandon her burning walls.\n\nWhatever calamity we may face in the future, Sising will never truly fall.
+15% Fort Defence

Dried RationsWe have plenty of preserved meats and grains to pass around to our soldiers, allowing them to survive far longer on the battlefield than armies of less fortunate lands.
-10% Land Attrition

BiakdingThe Palace of White was, long ago, the royal palace of the kings of Kohai. Since we clearly haven't had a crowned lord in quite some time, the looming edifice has been converted into a booming market and caravansary, with countless caravans loaded with salts and other goods coming and going through its gates every day.
+20% Caravan Power

The Great MirrorOn the rare occasion rain falls on Lake Kohai, the smooth white surface is turned into a massive and awe-inspiring mirror by the waters, attracting many visitors from afar who wish to lay their eyes on the beautiful phenomenon.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Salt RoadThe main route between the cities of the Yanszin and the coast passes through the lands of Kohai, and we make a tidy profit from merchants stocking up in supplies within the walls of Biakding before setting back out on their journeys.
+10% Global Trade Power

HubongThe original Hubong was built by the Harimari long ago to house their garrison within Sising to ensure the salt would flow free from banditry and rebels. While the tigerfolk may be long gone, the complex has become a common sight in the cities and towns of Kohai, efficiently housing a settlement's guardsmen and weapons.
+30% Garrison Size

+1 Merchants