Kogzallan Ideas

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+10% Domestic Trade Power
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Beast SlayerMaxota "Gifter of Chains" rose to power in what would become Kogzalla in the early 1400s, uniting a horde of gnolls and finally conquering the Akalate of Dasmazar after decades of skirmishes in 1432. In the lands of the Fieldstalker Gnolls where the Twin Xhaz arose many centuries before, identical twins were seen as fated to a great destiny, and thus when Maxota spawned twin daughters of her own she decreed that upon her death her territories would be divided equally in an attempt to avoid the usual messy bloodshed of gnollish succession.\n\nThe conquered civilised eastern lands were given to Khazet, while Maxota’s rugged homeland to the west was granted to the bold and belligerent Zykari. She proved her mettle by leading the defence against an invasion from the neighbouring Rakkaz pack, using her famed skills as a hunter to outwit and defeat the packs of demonically possessed hyena’s unleashed on their lands.
+20% Fort Defence

Poacher-DiplomatsRenowned as a slayer of mighty beasts, Zykari was often seen leading far ranging hunting expeditions that regularly passed into the territories of other packs. Her descendents would follow this tradition and decades later Kogzallan hunters could be found on expeditions throughout Sarhal and beyond tracking exotic beasts across the borders of many kingdoms. As such they became adept at opening up negotiations to secure safe passage, regaling the courts of even the most xenophobic human rulers with tales of their daring hunts. Or where diplomacy failed, ensuring that their erstwhile hosts had no idea they were there in the first place.
+1 Diplomats

A Spice MelangeWhile arid and rough, the lands of Kogzalla were home to an abundance of rare spices and herbs that Fieldstalker gnolls used to flavour the meat of their livestock and game. Most gnolls were happy to eat raw meat, whether fresh or not, but the Kogzallans had a more discerning palette and developed a distinctive spicy cuisine that became famous and sought after throughout the gnollish world and beyond.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Tooth And ClawThe gladiatorial traditions of the Fieldstalkers found a particularly extreme expression in Kogzalla where warriors and hunters would pit themselves against wild animals using only their fangs and claws. This developed into a style of vicious unarmed combat that Kogzallan warriors would employ as a shock tactic. Well into the gunpowder era regiments of Kogzallan troops would stalk into their enemies camps at night and silently set about their hapless foes with tooth and claw.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Cult of the PackmotherFirst the defeat of the would-be Xhazobain Zokka, and then years of raids at the hands of Rakkazi warlocks left the Kogzallans with a distrust for all things demonic, drawn instead to the primal energy of nature and the glory of the hunt. It was in this fertile soil of the Xhazobkults weakness that Kvangahga missionaries from Haraagtseda were able to plant a seed of doubt, challenging and discrediting Xhazobkult shamans in great public displays. By emphasising the goddess Kvanga’s role as The Packmother, the great hunter of demons and the guardian of the natural cycle of life, decay and rebirth, these missionaries were able to sway the powerful clans of Kogzalla and secure a new sister in the faith for their masters to the east.
+2% Missionary Strength

The Laughing OnesFieldstalker Gnolls had a rich oral history and a tradition of comedic storytelling, often bending tragic events into darkly humorous parodies that would be performed to visiting packs and merchants by Ezfarags, gnollish bards or Laughing Ones. When the Kogzallans made ventures into shedding their monstrous reputation like their Haraagtsedi kin, it was led by the great stories of the Ezfarags who found themselves welcome on the streets and in the theatres of many of the trading cities of the Gulf of Rahen.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Safeguard The Wild PlacesThe love of the hunt in Kogzallan culture led to the establishment of huge game reserves, areas of wilderness where farming and industry were forbidden and the gnolls could indulge their predatory instincts. Long after their eventual absorption into Haraagtseda, representatives from Kogzalla would campaign in the Gravot for the preservation of wild places and limits on the relentless growth of industry.
-0.02 Global Monthly Devastation

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre