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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Adzalaz RiverWinding its way from Lake Lasadza to the South Sarhal Coast, the Adzalaz River holds the beating heart of Khugra in its meandering grasp. Traders and travellers alike traverse its currents, their lives punctuated by the gentle splash of oars and the rhythmic chant of the river-guides.\n\nJust as the river's livelihood never ceases, neither does the flux of goods into Khugra - vibrant Rayzas dyes colour its ships sails, Arazinik sugar sweetens its grog, and Zeratas glass plays a vital role in the construction of the evolving capital. A kingdom, a river makes.
+20% Caravan Power
-5% Development Cost

AraizaryThe Araizary are not mere local deities worshipped in the solitude of the heart; to the lizardfolk of Khugra, they are as real as the salt-sea air, as palpable as the roughened wood of their ships. Evidence of their touch is seen in the shimmering dance of sunlight on the water's surface, their laughter in the playful gale of the sea breeze. In every wave that breaks upon Khurgas shores, there is a promise, a reaffirmation of an age-old pact between coastal lizardfolk and the Araizary.\n\nAs the great winds cause the night sky's change, so too does the devotion to the Araizary shift and evolve. Among the most revered is Yusshela, the celestial dolphin, whose constellation shimmers with a unique brilliance. Every year, as Yusshela's image reaches its zenith, the Festival of the Favoured Waves begins. Nobles, merchants, and common folk alike gather in a grand feast, a portion of their annual earnings offered to the holy waters in exchange for Yusshela's favour. In this manner, the tax is not a burden, but a celebration of faith and prosperity.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Wind Without SailKhugra never sought independence, never cried out for freedom. Instead, independence was thrust upon them when the Karasskas turned a blind eye to Shagadyrra's invasion.\n\nThis abandonment marked a profound rebirth; a time full of resilient bluster, fresh from their victory over the invaders, yet filled with the quiet apprehension of a nation drifting into uncharted waters. Once a pivotal cog in the economic powerhouse of an empire, the nation found itself without the steady hand of stately administration - it could cut the shape of its sails and steer toward a new purpose.\n\nYet through all the upheaval, Khugra bore the scars of abandonment proudly - an empire's legacy manifest in their architecture, their customs, their heritage - a reminder of the past and a symbol of hard-earned sovereignty.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition

Sea Mother's Melody"The winds are kind today, pushing us towards the horizon in our relentless search for the lost goddess. Each day, as we further distance ourselves from the bindings of land, I am reminded of why we embark on this voyage. The goddess may elude us, yet her absence does not dampen our spirits. We carry the memory of the old Karasskas empire, embracing the thrill of the unknown. And even if our search bears no fruit, we will return to Khugra with tales to be etched in our annals, the joyous song of our journey captivating the voice of our people."\n- Excerpt from the log of Captain Sozyr Wavebreaker, 1st of the 3rd month, 1087th year of the 332nd Empire.
+10% Morale of Navies

Three Year SiegeThree long years, the skies grew dark,\nWar drums echoed, a thunderous lark.\nStone and lizard held the line,\nAgainst the onslaught, time after time.\n\nThree long years, oppression's yoke,\nYet our spirits, they never broke.\nUnder moonlight, under sun,\nEach new day, a battle won.\n\nThree long years, hope held fast,\nKhugra's strength, unsurpassed.\nWe stood defiant, no knee bent,\nOur city unbroken, and back they went.\n\nThree long years, wounded and sore.\nThree long years, I would have given more.\n- Epitaph of Khugra's Resistance during Shagadyrra's Siege, engraved upon the walls of Tsutnekgyl. Unknown Poet.
+20% Fort Defence

Wharf Of NarachuakThe Karasskas empire may have built the wharf, but Khugra brought it to life. Reclaimed by nature, then reclaimed by Khugra, the Wharf of Narachuak now teems with heavy ships, their imposing silhouettes providing shade for seagulls resting on the calm sea.\n\nThe secret of the wharf's efficiency lies in its innovative construction, combined with locally developed shipbuilding techniques. A network of subterranean aqueducts channel water directly into dry docks, allowing shipwrights to float heavy ship components into position, rather than laboriously hauling them by brute force. This makes Khugras heavy ships some of the cheapest to construct in all of Sarhal.
-10% Heavy Ship Cost

Sapphire Of SarhalUpon parchment maps of yore, Khugra was merely a dot, a minor presence amidst the vastness of Sarhal. However, in newer renditions, its significance is undeniable, its pinpoint evolving into a place of import, commanding recognition and respect.\n\nLike a sapphire glistening with promise and potential, Khugra has emerged as a crowning jewel on the South Sarhal coastline. This, alongside its harbour's distinct blue hue, has earned it the epithet 'Sapphire of Sarhal'. Khugras prosperity gleams just as bright, fueled by the influx of trade and commerce brought about by its strategic location.\n\nThese trade routes, those veins of prosperity, extend across the land and sea, pumping the lifeblood of commerce into distant markets. From the Grand Skyports of Feiten to the Mage Tower in Aranthíl, Khugra has evolved from an unknown destination to a trading necessity.
+15% Trade Efficiency

+15% Morale of Armies


