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Primary Culture

+15% National Tax Modifier
+15% Reinforce Speed

Agate UnionThe modern Agate Dwarves of Khugdihr are a mix of the original Moss Agate of Khugdihr and the Pink Agate Dwarves of Ovdal Asra. This union into a single culture had happened after the fall of Ovdal Asra during the Orcish invasion, with many refugees entering Khugdihr. The holds were already sister holds in the times of Aul-Dwarov and shared many of their specialties with each other, allowing the history of both holds to be preserved.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
-1% Prestige Decay

Influencing the CannoriansCastanorian records state that the first major dwarven migration to the fledgling human empire was from the exiled dwarves of Khugdihr, ones aged more than a century who had kept their old faith in the Dwarven Pantheon when the rulers of Khugdihr had banned the practice. They were not the first to Escann however, as some refugees from Ovdal Asra had settled there millennia past.\n\nThe dwarves ended up settling and working in the land of Cannor and with the arrival of the legendary Balgar the Builder, built most of Castonath and later, his many other wonders.
+20% Improve Relations

The Restored House of Fognir AsraFognir Asra was the last scion of his house and spent his remaining riches in gathering an adventuring party to expedition deep beyond Khugdihr to his ancestral hold of Ovdal Asra. There he recovered a pink agate, the Gem of Asra, one of the gems of the Dwarovkron, as well as many other riches to bring back to the surface. He however did not reclaim the Gem of Asra alone.\n\nHe did so with the help of the legendary adventurers Jaerel the Mistwalker, Mintbrick Puddlebonk, and Gerin Orcrend. Sadly, with conflict in the hold against the orc Dugorik Dragonbreaker and his early Greentide host, the hold collapsed further as the party awoke old golems to defeat the orcs. That heroic deed brought Fognir and his line into legend, and delayed Khugdihr's eventual defeat to a decade later.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Legacy of Castan Dwarf-FriendUnder the reign of Castan Dwarf-Friend, Castanor had forged alliances with the dwarves of the surface, in turn leading Khugdihr to begin the resettlement of Ânumdihr, later known as Marrhold. Dwarves from as far as Rubyhold and Shazstundihr joined them, along with the many clanless stone dwarves of the surface. They settled in many human towns, with the skilled setting up shops all around to preserve their dwarven ways.
+15 Global Settler Increase

Home of Balgar the BuilderBalgar the Builder was a dwarf that today is famed for being a Great Ancestor for the dwarves, but also a god in the Regent Court for the Cannorians. He hailed from Khugdihr and was renowned for his talent for building from a young age, as he sculpted many statues and monuments.\n\nHe was, however, exiled for his work on statues dedicated to the Dwarven Pantheon, which was outlawed as the state had introduced Ancestor Worship throughout the hold. He ended up entering into Castan the Progenitor's service, where he continued to hone his building skills, constructing his wonders across Cannor and earning his place among the Pantheon of the Regent Court.
+25% Religious Unity
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

The Many Falls of KhugdihrKhugdihr had fallen many times to enemy forces: whether it be in civil war; to Nimrith the Red; or to the Orcs. The position of Khugdihr made it face the threats of the ever growing hostile surface with Giants and many other creatures seeking to destroy the hold. However, as many times as the hold has fallen, it has stubbornly risen back up, stronger than before against the countless threats on both sides of the gates.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Pen Comes Before the AxeMaintaining the inventories of adventurers, soldiers, and builders was a large task for the Empire of Aul-Dwarov, as the need for precise numbers was paramount for success. The Agate Dwarves took pride in their role as the main bookkeepers and organisers of the Dwarovar, assuring equipment contracts were always complete, supplies always ended up in the right hands, and the contents of each adventuring backpack were verified.\n\nMany dwarves of other holds would see this as unnecessary, rather relying on their own records, but the Agate Dwarves knew that overconfidence was a slow and insidious killer.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

+10% Morale of Armies


