Keyattordha Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+25% Garrison Size

Keyattordha Wave-Scape PorcelainKeyattordha is one of the smaller porcelain cities, and has never been able to match her larger sisters in raw production or quality of the porcelain that its workshops produce. Instead, the artisans of Keyattordha have distinguished themselves in the style of the images that they imprint into their product.\n\nKnown as "Kharunyana Wave-scape", the workshops of Keyattordha produce beautiful works of white and blue that are said to capture the shifting currents and landscape along the Kharunyana better than most anyone else.
+10% Production Efficiency

Enclave of the Ascendant SoulKeyattordha is the only place in Rahen where the eastern philosophy of the Ascendant Soul holds sway. Ramnath of the Undying Flame, prince of Jiantsiang, brought the teachings with him in the 1430s when he traveled to Keyattordha to marry the sister of lord Jawaral Bloody Claw. A charming personality, Ramnath quickly became beloved by the nobles and commoners of Keyattordha alike. When members of the court began to engage the eastern prince about philosophy they found his exotic views intriguing, and a small following of the Ascendent Soul began to grow.\n\nWhen plague struck Keyattordha in 1443, it claimed Ramnath's wife and brother-in-law, leaving the only surviving member of the Bloody Claw family as Ramnath’s infant daughter Shushuri. The people turned to Ramnath, who readily stepped into power and ruled Keyattordha for his daughter until his death in 1465. His tenure as Prabhi cemented his personal fame, and solidified the Ascendant Soul school's dominance in the city.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-10% Idea Cost

The Beryl GuardThe most famous company among the city watch of Keyattordha is the Beryl Guard, an elite mercenary force comprised of wandering Xia monks and east-sarhaly exiles. Founded in 822 in the aftermath of the Wars of the Warlock, the Beryl Guard is known for its policy of aggressively recruiting political refugees and dispossessed nobles looking for a purpose, and has a reputation of being filled with dangerous men of great martial skill. Standing nearly 3000 strong, the Beryl Guard answers solely to the city lord of Keyattordha, and has a long and storied history of battles they have fought in at the behest of their employer.
+8% Mercenary Discipline

Seventy-Seven Stanzas of the GarabhatithuraComposed by the ascetic monk Aruna at the high temple of Keyattordha over 11 weeks in 481 BA, the Gharabhatithura is one of the best known and highly regarded pieces of classical Raheni epic poetry. It details the journey of Sarthan, the Second Oracle-King, on his quest to find enlightenment and assume his destined place on Mount Tughayasa.\n\nFearful of his destiny and the role being forced on him, Sarthan fled his home as a youth and traveled the breadth of Haless to avoid the shackles of fate. Invariably, he was drawn home as his adventures imparted him with ever more wisdom about the High Gods and how a human is supposed to act. By the time he returned to the land of his birth, he had been completely forgotten, but his wisdom earned him the status of king that he once so feared and loathed.
-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost

Semphrerong Crossing TollKeyattordha is sometimes called "Semphrerong’s Little Sister", as she sits directly across the Kharunyana from the Bom city and has long been in her economic and military shadow. Crossings from Bomdan into Dhujat have often come at Keyattordha, where the river narrows enough to ferry soldiers across.\n\nTo prevent easy invasions of their holdings, the lords of Keyattordha have made a long tradition of building fortifications and watchtowers along the riverbank of the Kharunyana at all easy landing points for barges. These fortresses both defend the Raj and serve as customs stops for any who wish to sell their goods, making it easy for Keyattordha to levy taxes on imported goods and pay for the maintenance of these fortifications.
+10% Fort Defence
+5% Trade Efficiency

Artisans of the Jade QuarterKeyattordha is home to a large dwarven population, who collectively live in the city’s dwarven quarter, called Jade Town. Most of the dwarves here originate not from the western holds of Grôzumdihr or Hul-Az-Krakazol, but the ancient and lost holds of the jade mines far to the north.\n\nThe Jade Dwarves have proved to be a productive member of the community, living mostly sequestered from their neighbors but providing the government of Keyattordha with capable bankers, traders, engineers, and riverboat captains for centuries.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Typhoon of Broken VasesThe arrival of Cannorians traders provided great economic opportunities for the Porcelain cities, but it rapidly became apparent that the westerners were interested in far more than simply buying porcelain. Cannorian diplomats made multiple offers to Keyattordha and her sister cities to purchase the secret of porcelain manufacturing methods, but all were rebuffed.\n\nWhen diplomacy failed, the Cannorians turned to espionage. In 1699, the Lorentish diplomat Celador Rosebloom was arrested in Keyattordha and accused of attempting to steal state secrets. Found guilty and executed despite the formal protest of the Lorentish government, the event led a cabal of Cannorian merchants to seek revenge.\n\nStriking a deal with Bhuvauri, to humble the porcelain cities, secret orders were sent Sramaya to the many Bhuvaurite mercenaries garisonning the cities. Upon receiving them, the soldiers of Keyattordha’s garrison mutinied and sacked the city, destroying its porcelain workshops. Other porcelain cities suffered similar fates in the so-called 'Typhoon of Broken Vases', devastating the economic prosperity of the region for decades.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

-0.1 Global Monthly Devastation