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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
-20% Culture Conversion Cost

The Woodchopper KingsThough the armies of Ketemcaka were founded with the aid of their overlords in Great Fetengoni, the army’s tactics and weaponry are primarily inspired by Ibekisedaran methods. As such they employ well-made bronze shields reinforced with hardened wood, which they align in tight formations, skillfully holding off any charges from the undisciplined rabbles of the jungle. The zor Kazahu-Owe dynasty came to be known as "The Woodchopper Kings due to the Glenslaughter, a battle in which a Sitewosi army ambushed King Tesfaye I zor Kazahu-Owe at an inspection of a recently initiated jungle clearing, where he and his royal guard had joined in at cutting trees as a symbol of support to the foresters. At first, the King’s soldiers were driven back as they attempted to get to their armour and weapons, unable to form their tight ranks without their shields, but Tesfaye I rallied the woodcutters to fight, cutting at limbs as surely and swiftly as they did at branches. The ambush force was halted and the royal guard swept in to corral the disheartened Sitewosi warriors, chasing them into the newly made clearings and skewering them on their long spears. Since then a portion of the King’s Guard is chosen among the woodcutters and armed with axes, on top of the usual spear. The axe used by Tesfaye I is still passed down to each new Ketemcakan king to chop up their enemies as he once did.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Crowned by the Great KingIn the days of the Great King Owe III the lands of the prosperous on the right bank of the river Yet were united under one banner, with most neighbouring kingdoms paying tribute to the Fetengoni Great King. An issue with this was the Sitewosi; while they paid tribute quite willingly once subjugated, their kingdoms were not long-lived. Every decade a few new tribal kings would topple the old loyal ones, just to raid the borders of the Great Kingdom once more. Though this was lessened by the establishment of true Sitewosi vassal kingdoms in the area, it became clear to Owe III that he must use a firmer hand with the jungle. For this purpose, the Kingdom of Ketemcaka was founded. The city of Ketemcakan was granted to Kazahu, a lesser king from Zusedar. All the kings and lesser kings of Great Fetengoni, as well as all the tributary kings of Owe III, were invited to the city to witness Kazahu I zor Kazahu-Owe’s crowning. Despite the propping up of a lesser king to king being rather untraditional, the prestige of Great Fetengoni and the presence and approval of so many Kings at his coronation made Kazahu’s dynasty one of the most legitimate of the Mengi, respected even among the great houses of the Yeteferen.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Trust Only KinSince our founding we have had nothing but trouble from the Sitewosi. They raid our farms to steal grain and cattle, and they sack villages and towns, even pillaging the temples of The One True God despite claiming to be His followers. It is no wonder why the kings of Ketemcaka keep a well-manned guard around them at all times, as on multiple occasions ambushes come upon them from the jungle - sometimes even from our own Sitewosi subjects. \n\nOnce we tried to include Sitewosi in our army as the kings of Ibekisedara proudly do, but this practice led to chaos among our troops as the wild unscrupulousness of the tribesmen wore at the discipline of our ranks. While an inefficient and unpopular policy, it was still maintained in the belief that the savages through Amilak’s light would eventually civilise. This foolish dream of trust came to an end with the assassination of Kazahu II by a presumed-honourable Sitewosi of his own royal guard. While our neighbours consider them honourable fellow-residents of the Holy Land, we know better. Even the most respectable-seeming or kind Sitewosi hides a dagger behind his back. The only Mengi we can trust to fight for our king is a Yeteferen!
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Burn to GrowWhile the Ketemcakan are good at cutting trees - few among the Mengi could claim to be better - it is still not a fast enough method of clearance to sufficiently create new farmland or space for cities. As such the Wood-Chopper Kings developed a method through the use of fire. While considered dangerous by some and a waste of wood by others this simply couldn’t be further from the truth. The method is simple in theory: cut down the trees around an area, creating a border to what forest one wishes to burn and keeping the fire from spreading out of control, and when it is burned, place regular patrols to keep watch over the borders and ensure the fire is contained. For additional safety, burnings are forbidden except in the month before the end of the dry season and the start of the wet, so even if a mistake is made and the fire leaps across its boundary the rains are not too far away to quench it before it can do too much damage. With this method the Ketemcakans were able to rapidly expand our farmlands more and more. At this rate one day they shall produce more grain than the fields of Shelokmengi itself.
+10% Production Efficiency

Know the EnemyIn the early days of Ketemcaka we did not strike out far past the borders of the jungle, as the forest is our true enemy and hated by the king and his army. Over time, however, it became clear this was making us unprepared and short-sighted, a prime target for Sitewosi raiders. Thus Kazahu I concluded his army must learn the ways of the jungle to make sure no Sitewosi could unwittingly cross our borders. While the Sitewosi were still trusted, it was they who taught jungle warfare and logistics to the soldiers; their banishment from the military did not mean the banishment of the tactics and survival skills they shared with us. It is no surprise that when such logistics skills are incorporated into an actually well-coordinated army, they end up being much more potent than in a tribal rabble.
-15% Land Attrition

Mandate to the Jungle"Hear ye, hear ye, kings and lesser kings, servants of The One True God, mine friends, allies, and subjects. Before you stands Kazahu, first of his name, King of the City-forest and by mine decree lesser to none but the Great King of the High-side and to great Amilak bringer of the rains - may his blessings be upon this day. By thy witness, I declare that the kings of the west, forasmuch as they doth be our kin and true residents of this Holy land, have strayed in the worship of Amilak. They barbarously do fight amongst themselves for no purpose than their wealth and glory, slaying kings as they do slaves and nailing servants of the One True God to trees as they do the accursed trolls. Well do you know that did such acts occur under the reach of the High-side they wouldst be ended post haste, and thus I decree again today: Kazahu, twice-ordered by Owe I name your kin, your kingdom has by the command of the Great King and the approval of his priesthood the rightful lordship over all Sitewosi, protect the borders of the Prosperous lands, and subjugate these astray kinsmen to bring them back to true worship of Amilak and his mercy!" \n\n- Owe III zor Kajen-Aboma, Great King of Fetengoni
-20% Unjustified Demands

The Savannah WarsIn a beautiful act of benevolence, we accepted an offer from the city of Krekedekel to stabilise their lands and protect them from Tanizu migrants who had at the time recently toppled the King of Layinret’s hold and burned his city. Imagine our rage when over some small taxation edicts the greedy leaders of the city swapped their allegiance to Layinret once more! \n\nThe Savannah Wars were a series of conflicts fought against Layinret to take back the city, though none of them were successful the Layinreti kings and the Krekdekeli urbanites have come to know neither our kings nor our armies give up easily and we fight for all pieces of land to the bitter end, especially when so dishonourably seized from us.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

-10% Development Cost


