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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

First Bulwark StateIn 462, by the force of Teranak II the Decent's edict, the tribe of Katsanada was given special rights, including a strip of land with a capital in Noor Tressik. This was a beginning of the process that decentralised the borders of the declining Anzaran Empire into a series of Bulwark States, tasked with managing incursion from humans, hags and other lizardfolk - ashhana or not. \nMany abused this powerbase to overthrow the emperors, but not us. Because of that, when Ptolekas Reforms came, we were spared from annexation by the newly centralising government. When Rayazi struck, again, we did not turn our back like the rebellious Yushyn did. Even when emperor Qakot demanded we cede Noor Tressik to strengthen the central government’s economy, we obliged, as our existence will always be based on serving the emperor. We shall always stay at his side, in good and in bad times.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Salt HillsRight on the eastern edge of Ertikan Starash mountains, the salt mines of Asparimu and Rakhanek are a source of salt found rarely on this side of the mountains. \nWhat makes ours special compared to any other salt mine in the known world, is the coloured salts we offer. Aside from standard rock salt, inedible cold-coloured dyes can be encountered - purple Hesazzes from Asparimu and indigo Arzuverthi from Rakhanek. After being mined out, these coloured salts are grated into fine powder and sold as dye in Noor Tressik.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Ashaktias KasgakethendThe centerpoint of our banner, the Ashak's Bloodgem, is a pale red gem made out of the unique salt crystal mined in 1253 in the mines of Asparimu. Believed to be a drop of Ashak Tishin's blood, the crystal emits an unique aura that amplifies the enchantments targeting body and mind. Because of that, we have entrusted it to the High Naga of our society, so he can bless us with Green Reptile's boons to our soldiers when the tribe needs it.
+5% Recover Army Morale Speed
+10% Reinforce Speed

Containment By TediousnessOur Anzara overlord established the Bulwark States with one purpose - keep outsiders out. This is incredibly hard though, as humans are annoyingly persistent to break into our society and harpies are known to roost in places that are hard to reach. Luckily some of these outsiders can be handled just fine by using legal means. \nFor them we’ve organised a deliberately long, tedious bureaucratic process, set up to stall out or outright demotivate people who want to migrate peacefully into Anzara, helping us keep the human and harpy population in check. These zesirtsekas (foreign villages) are located in poor, remote areas where any foreigner can peacefully go on with their lives, pacified and happily packed up near the border under our watchful eye.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Natural AdvantageThe western bank of Lake Lasadza hosts a species of greatmaw smaller than you usually see in lizardfolk jungles. Despite their inferior size, they are well capable of managing all of the tasks that normal sized individuals perform, such as transporting supplies and serving as cavalry for the army. \nIn fact their lower stature makes them more efficient as more animals can fit in a road, allowing for more overall pulling power for transporting and reducing the size of army formations, greatly increasing the mobility of both our army and our civilians.
+15% Movement Speed

Repulsing Three RacesJust west of us lies the tribe of Yushyn, a tribe that once was the Bulwark of the West. Their desire was always to break free and for this they tried to destabilize Anzara in every way possible, even by enabling hags' schemes. \nTheir most dangerous attempt was in 1153, when they managed to assemble the formidable support of both frontier human strongholds - Duwarkani and Aramoole. It was then, where the Katsanadan chieftain Nulri Greenstalker, with only her tribe available, pacified all Yushyni lizard forces, Duwarkani harpy forces and Aramoole human forces in an impressive three year campaign, forcing both human and lizardfolk threats to sue for peace.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Hot Springs for the ColdbloodedBought and expanded in 1643 by a powerful salt magnate, the Katesh Springs Complex in Rakhanek is a large health resort complex. \nIt's composed of Teranakas Hot Springs, where aside from calcite-rich springs form cascading terraces that make natural shallow pools that visitors can enjoy. \nThis is combined with a large post-mining cave hosting a sanatorium. Its crystal clear, salt ionized air with a pleasant temperature and high humidity, naturally lessens the symptoms of respiratory diseases, even curing some of the milder ones.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

+15% Fort Defence


