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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Khetist Land RightsOne of the first decisions made in the dawn of Kartakhet was that only Khetist people could own land. The way the law was written though didn’t specify what it meant to be Khetist. It was borderline impossible for those who claimed Khetist ancestry to differentiate themselves from the local existing landowners after centuries of mixed marriages. This led to a cottage industry of forging documents claiming Khetist heritage. These "new" Khetist people were much more keen to embrace their supposed Khetist forefathers, erecting statues of Elikhet across their properties and dressing in traditional Khetist clothing. While this wasn’t the intent of the law, the end result was essentially the same. Within a few generations, most of the nation was Khetist.
-25% Culture Conversion Cost
+15% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Reminders on Every CornerThose fools who ran Kheterata believed that the indelible fact of Elikhet’s wonder would naturally maintain here in Horashesh. We know now that these beliefs waned over generations. There are no Khet here roaming the Horashesh plains, far away from the banks of the Sorrow. In their place we must build! Construct temples in every town, large and small, for people to worship at. At every crossroad build a statue to Elikhet. Adorn every building with symbols of the Khet faith. We will not let his memory be forgotten.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

Save Them From Themselves"Did you just say they worship demons?"\n\n"Yes, your grace. That is why I propose sending the 5th Battalion into Imefala to crush the remaining demon-worshipping gnoll resistance."\n\n"Don’t send soldiers, send priests! Send missionaries! Save those poor creatures from the monsters enslaving their minds! No wonder they’re so violent. Demons, honestly."\n\nExcerpt from the royal court records after the Liberation of Saqraxat
+1 Missionaries

Dream of a Better KheterataFrom its very outset, those in Kartakhet wanted to make a better Khet nation, one that would not disintegrate to outside pressure. The fall of Kheterata was a tragedy, but it was also inevitable due to how poorly it was run, or so the belief of the Khetist people in Kartakhet believed. This led to an enduring philosophy amongst the educated class that it is in their birthright to give their services to building a more durable nation.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

A Professional ForceInstead of conquering Horashesh, the old Kheterata empire gave travellers and settlers from Khetapera weaponry and armor. Their belief was that all they needed to do was point these settlers over the Mukis mountains and in the direction of the Horashesh jungles and this would be enough to gain control over the region. Today the nation’s fighting force bears the legacy of those original settlers. Its soldiers are cobbled together from old generals descended from these original settlers, mixed with local warlords and their bands of followers. Those old weapons were still being used by conscripted soldiers today and made us a laughing stock when we met Cannorian traders. To be taken seriously, we need to build a professional military with real equipment.
+5% Discipline

The Yellow ShukasAs a way of keeping regional governors under control, the central Kartakhet authority formed a new religious policing body under their direct control. Colloquially called the "Yellow Shukas" due to the colours of their traditional robes, their job was to travel across Horashesh to ensure Khetist laws and regulations were being upheld by local officials. That was their official position at least. In practice, they used baseless accusations of embezzlement and fraud to remove those from positions of power that the central government did not approve of. In their place they would appoint "upstanding citizens", which in their case meant people more loyal to the Kartakhet rulers.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Legacy of the SettlersKartakhet was built by settlers. They moved into new lands, took control of the people who lived there, and either taught them to integrate into Kartakhet’s system or be driven ruthlessly from their homes. Do this enough times and you start to get very efficient at the process. Give Khetist settlers ownership rights to new lands, integrate those who already live there, and drive out resistance. One day you could be a farmer with a small plot of land in western Sarhal, and before you even knew there was a war, a statue of Elikhet would loom over your local market and an official bearing documents would inform you that your land was being leased to you by a foreign Khetist noble.
-5 Years of Separatism


