Karashan Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

A Lifelong ArtThe gods made us with the ability to talk, to feel compassion, to bond, to make connections. If true art is what comes from the bottom of your heart then there is no art greater than a deep connection between two sapient beings. Others dabble their claws in paintings, music, costumes, food and many other materialistic arts, their inspiration gets consumed and left behind to seek the next novelty. We, on the other hand, prize deep, long lasting lizardfolk bonds above all in every form - a form of art that truly challenges one’s skills and dedication.
-1% Prestige Decay

Today I Am Alive!The Lizardfolk of Karashan prized living but did not fear death: instead of pondering an unanswerable existential crisis, they desire to celebrate their own lives to the most everyday as if it's their last day in front of the unknown tomorrow. For some, it might be the classic indulgence after work. For others, it might be rising through the ranks or setting their relationships straight. Traditionally, when the day of departure does come, the community would organize a joyous party in the name of the deceased - the griefing of their loved ones is, however, still allowed.
-2 National Unrest

Dire TacticsIn war, the Karashan Lizardfolk were renowned as warriors who didn’t falter a single step in front of danger, using tactics that only a fool that is out of his mind would use without a regard for his life and well-being. Perhaps this stems from a feeling of comradery as well as a desire to fight for their larger community far away from the frontlines. Nonetheless, this has helped them achieve victory from the brink of defeat.
+10% Morale Damage

The Orphans of WarAdoption is possible and exists commonly within Karashan, not exclusive of Ashhanas within the boundaries of the tribe but from others as well. In fact, most adopted orphans within the country come from other countries, especially during the times of war. After a successful campaign against their enemies, the Karashan would take in the orphans who lost their caretakers, enemies or otherwise, and raise them as one of their own, gaining the mantle of Kakhaz in the process; this does not seem to be limited to Lizardfolk as there have been recordings of humans and the odd troll within the tribe.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Stoke the Eternal FlameWithin the capital of Karashan lies a foundry of great proportion. This building seems to serve a ceremonial and practical purpose for the locals, the greatest smiths use its ever burning fire for their craft while everything from damaged furniture to corpses becomes fuel to prolong the flame’s life. The latter is believed to embalm the body in flame, making it so the dead may even assist the great work even in death. The blaze is always maintained and overseen by a group of shamans, not wishing for it to be snuffed out as it contains the spirits of their deceased clanspeople.
-10% Regiment Costs

The Second LineKarashan stands between many major empires throughout its existence: To the west are squabbling Royal Lizardfolk countries that would turn their eyes outwards once they form their who knows how many empires. To the north, it is not uncommon for trolls of the Shadow Swamps to flood into the territory when the first line of countries inevitably falls. Thus Karashan warriors are one of the most experienced in the region, having faced many enemies of all shapes and sizes.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

A Treasured FlowerLegends tell that when the tribe was affected by a large famine - with all of the crops having been swept away in a large flood - it was Kella Newsong who ventured deep into the wilds to seek sustenance for her community. Her journey proved fruitful as she found a large, pink and illuminating flower that invigorated all life around it. With this discovery, the tribe was saved and Kella became the new chief for her bravery. Though the existence of this flower has seemingly vanished, it is noted that the land in Karashan is significantly more fertile than anywhere else.
+10% Production Efficiency

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed