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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Shock Damage Received

Battleaxe BreakersGiven our position at the northernmost edge of the Lupulan, our tribe has always been the first line of defense against the Khom. The back and forth fighting in the edge of the jungle has made us a pragmatic people, as all must be ready to fight and defend the tribe in an instant, be they warriors, hunters or gatherers. This need for immediacy has made us develop a unique weapon among the usual repertoire of our kin.\n\nInitially, dual-headed axes were used exclusively as a tool for gathering and as a unique symbol of our tribe among the many others of the Lupulan, but in time and with our foresters repelling many an attack, they showed their quality as a weapon. Thus the dual-headed axes are now considered a symbol of our duel nature, our diligence and our ferocity.
+5% Production Efficiency
+5% Shock Damage

Treeshaker ShamansGetting lost among the dense spirit-touched foliage of the Lupulan is just another event that can happen for our people, yet for invaders this is a perilous fate, with many a warrior never being found again, swallowed by the jungle.\n\nAs the true inhabitants of the Lupulan, we have our own way of traversing this land and recovering any who have been lost; when the first of our tribe found themselves lost in the Lupulan and cried out for aid, some of spirits headed their calls, and guided us to what would become our home.\n\nFrom this moment onwards a pact was signed, we select some of our people as “Treeseekers”, to act as a messenger between the spirits and us, in exchange we would devote ourselves to safeguard the Lupulan and act as the stalwart defense line of our homeland. Should we ever falter and need to retreat into the jungles, we know the spirits will always show us the path back home.
+1% Missionary Strength
+5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

WaterrunsBeing the first line of defense of the Lupulan is no easy task, for our flank has always been the most geographically exposed of all, the Lupulan does not embrace us as deeply as it does with the rest of our kin, and the scorching drylands begin to encroach and gnaw at the border of our lands. To prevent this exposed flank of ours from becoming a fatal flaw, we have designed a complex system of waterruns that help to both feed and protect our people.\n\nThey act as both farming terraces that bring prosperity and food and defensive moats that bring us a strategic advantage and more time to prepare. If push comes to shove and an overwhelming force comes to take our lands, we shall drown them, and push them back!
+10% Fort Defence
-5% Development Cost

Honourbound WeaponsThe greatest honour a Kaplakawani can seek to achieve is to be a warrior, for our forces are composed of the greatest among us and the training they endure is paramount to none. Once a warrior is deemed competent enough, they are allowed to choose a spirit-touched weapon of their preference and to name it, this weapon is then tied to the warrior who carries it and becomes part of their strength and soul. Most of them acquire both a keen understanding of this weapon and a series of spiritual boons; a warrior may never lose track of their weapon, a bonded weapon’s edge never blunts, its aim is always true, and it may never be broken.\n\nThere is no possession more valuable for one of our own and the destruction of it can severely damage the master of said weapon in a permanent way, it is said that destroying the weapon of a Kaplakawani is like maiming their soul, a wound so deep many never fully recover from it, the taking of one of these weapons by an enemy that bested the warrior in combat is both the greatest insult to said warrior there can be, and makes for the greatest war trophy there is.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

First Yanglam RiflesWhen strange new weapons came from beyond the jungle most of our kin shunned them as foreign and unworthy of the spirits, cowardly and as requiring no skill to use, we saw things in a different light however, these new weapons were as worthy of respect and bonding as any other, they could be mastered and honed as much as any battleaxe or bow.\n\nThe first act of bonding for one of these weapons raised many eyebrows, many tribes thought us weak, as they saw what would become the greatest warrior of our people hold a weapon many regarded as an abomination, a mix of an ace and a rifle, Farangkawan; we swiftly proved them wrong, at the time we were on the backfoot pushed into the jungles by many who sought to seize the riches of the Lupulan, this was the turning point for many, where before we faced defeat after defeat now we began to reclaim some of our old glory scoring a number of important victories.\n\nOur warriors became unparalleled, the ability to imbue spiritual energy into weapons proved to be exactly what was needed to get the advantage; and as a thunder of weapons roared through the Lupulan all quivered, for they knew that a new age of warfare had come, one we would be masters of.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Treeshaker FestivalThe treeshaker festival is a unique yearly occurrence when all of our people convene at Kapabeng to commune with the spirits and to celebrate the renewal of our contract with them; the penultimate night of the festival is the most important when the signing of the contract is rehearsed and gigantic drums beat to the rhythm of the jungles so that the sound may flow through it, in this way the spirits may know, the accord still stands, we still stand.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Community of Spirits and HumansWithin the rainforest, the inhabitants of the material and spiritual planes alike constantly interact with each other, be it with compassion or strife. Great manifestations of the earth split the ground beneath, and humans make a village out of that same earth. Tiny, mischievous spirits disguised as leaves arrive, spelling the end of monsoon season, when men know the harvesting season is upon them. Long has this understanding formed between the many beings of the Lupulan; This land is a shared one. Spirits cannot overcome human persistence, and humans can not overpower spiritual energy. No matter if this relationship is celebrated or scorned, everyone under the Great Lizard works in tandem, creating a cycle of life that is challenging, yet much beloved.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

-10% Leader Cost


