Kaiinpin Ideas

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+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
-15% Cavalry Cost

The Grand FieldWhen the Kooras left the savannahs of their forebears during the Brothers’ Migration, they first discovered and settled in dense jungles along the Harafroy. However, not all of them were content with their new homes and decided to push further south in an attempt to find better land. In the south, they found plains and fields extending as far as the eye could see, a bountiful land not unlike their ancestral homes to the far north. The Kooras who settled there became the Kaiinpi, and are far more attuned to their Haraf’ne kin than the rest of their people.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

The Tribe Without a Kyin"Wandering upon the expanses of the Tokal, the great plains making up most of the terrain of the southern tip of Haraf, the Kaiinpi Kooras never truly abandoned the pastoral ways of the Haraf’ne, instead keeping a nomadic herding lifestyle due to the relative bountifulness of the vast expanses they call home.\n\nBefore the arrival of the Kooras in southern Haraf, the Tokal was widely inhabited by many Paleptaiinky who lived nomadic lives unlike the Paleptaiinky of the villages sprawling on the banks of the Harafroy, replicating a similar opposition to the one being seen in the modern Kooras. As both these Paleptaiinky and the Kooras deciding to settle in the Tokal were generally isolated and suspicious of foreigners, the area knew much less mingling than in the Tli’yam Kyin or Tsewee Kyin. Instead, the Kooras outgrew the local Paleptaiinky in number, pushing them further and further to the outskirts of the Tokal, reaching a point where most Paleptaiinky assimilated in the bordering Kooras tribes instead of the Kaiinpi."-Excerpt from The Haraf Account, Vol.3
-10% Construction Time
+8% Movement Speed

Horsemasters of the TokalDuring the Brothers’ Migration, a number of livestock were transported in both Haraf’ne hosts, serving as means of transportation and subsistence. Chief among these were horses, which were useful for carrying both goods and people, as well as protecting the crowd from wildlife. While most Kooras and Mayte stemming from the migration made few use of these animals after settling down, due to the rugged terrain of their homes, horsemen from Kaiinpi could freely roam the plains of their homelands. Ever since their departure from the savannahs, horsemanship in the Tokal flourished, their plentiful cavalry becoming known throughout Haraf for their devastating skirmishes and charges.\n\nScattered among the plains ruled by the Kaiinpi are a multitude of small buildings, the Tsaneiin, serving as stables and rest stops for the various communities of Ruinborn in the area. They are the main anchors of civilization in the vast and wild Tokal. The largest of these buildings is the Nochtsaneiin, or Great Tsaneiin, which can house up to a few hundred horses and their riders, as well as serving as a major place of worship of the Great Kooras Men.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

KaiinelooIn imitation of the Hateil’ine, the Haraf’ne Singers of the Dai’Nadeilhil, many mages in the Tokal use song, music and dance to focus magical power and cast various spells. These Kaiineloo, or Singers, are some of the most respected members of the Kaiinpi tribe, serving a wide range of roles from priests to battlemages, and most importantly, chiefs. The rulers of the Kaiinpi are often chosen among the ranks of the Kaiineloo due to their religious and cultural importance, oratory skills and magical potential.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Sing to the Great AncestorsWhile the Kooras of the Tokal revere the Ja’akaiin like the rest of their people, the local variations of the faith are much closer to their original Dai’Nadeilhil beliefs than those of the rest of their people. The first major deviation from the more mainstream Ja’akaiin myths is the belief that the Four Worlds did not coexist in the All-World, but succeeded each other like in Haraf’ne legends. The Water World is thought to have merely been the latest World to be corrupted by the Dark World and the only which did not completely become polluted by it due to Kseldos’ sacrifice. The Kaiinpi tribe also places great importance in ancestor worship, venerating the Great Kooras Men in the Nochtsaneiin during yearly rituals presided by a choir of Kaiineloo. The Great Kooras Men include many similar figures of the Great Haraf’ne Men as well as Tslakiir and other Kooras heroes.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Songs of War and PeaceThe Kaiineloo often roam the Tokal free from tribal bonds, offering their services to the entire Kooras population of the plains, sometimes even venturing to the Tli’yam or Tsewee Kyin where their performances are renowned and prized. During times of peace, troupes of Kaiineloo tour the plains on horseback, going from one Tsaneiin to the other in order to sing and dance for their people and their religion. Meanwhile, during tribal conflicts, Kaiineloo will often rejoin their community and serve as batllemages as well as war musicians, giving morale to the warriors in their coming battles.
-1 National Unrest
+5% Morale of Armies

Goblin FoesWhile the other Kooras tribes knew prosperity from the smallfolk’s arrival in Haraf, the Kaiinpi saw an entirely different story be forced upon them. The goblins of Mestikardu were ruthless towards the natives, burning entire swathes of inhabited forests and fields in order to colonize the land more quickly and widely pushing Ruinborn out of their traditional homes in the Tokal. While most Kooras living in Mestikardu were eventually compelled to integrate into wider Cannorian society by becoming concubines and bodyguards for the goblin elites, the fiercely independent Kaiinpi did not let their new foes win out, starting a guerilla campaign inside the smallfolk artificer states, and eventually becoming an independent Kooras enclave inside the Triarchy.
-10% Fire Damage Received

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion