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Primary Culture

-2 National Unrest
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Word WeaverIn 1464, Bemnet, a talented ex-envoy from Fuulmana, was selected by the chief of Kadamuu, to become the chief’s chancellor. It wouldn’t be a year in when the chief in question died suddenly without an heir, leaving a power vacuum between Bemnet and the local lords. It is long believed that the land north of the lakes would be doomed to chaos, as this was the thirtieth tribe to exist on this specific land in four centuries. However Bemnet was willing to challenge this notion. He was no warrior, but he was a master of the word. \n\nBemnet revealed his silver tongue and in one meeting, brought the lords in line, blackmailing the strongest lord into submission. While the lords debated for who becomes the next chief, Bemnet received word that Kidsit Yitsi was preparing an invasion on kadamuu. He traveled to their capital with his envoys to persuade them out of war; he succeeded (but made a secret deal known only to Bemnet and the king of Kidsit). \n\nEventually, Bemnet is named the new chieftain of kadamuu by the lords, bestowed with the surname of kali-shemane, or "the Word Weaver." His family have ruled the tribe ever since and have since practiced and celebrated the art of the tongue.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Remember MertapalaBefore the tribe of Shepherds, long before the twenty-nine succeeding tribes, there was the long dead accordant kingdom of Mertamengi. Much knowledge was lost about Mertamengi. Only three things are known about this mostly forgotten kingdom. First, they discovered salt on the lake. Second, the capital they built was the legendary lakeside city of Mertaphala, supposedly the largest the Sinewosi ever made. It was the beating heart of the Sinewosi, a trading center, and its close proximity to the salt mines made this city of eighty-thousand valuable. \n\nBut the third thing known about Tnismengi was its unexpected and horrifying destruction. In 952, a large raiding party of Swamp Trolls sneaked into the city and completely razed Mertaphala to the ground. They stormed the palace, wiped out the ruling family, and stole anything and everything they could, including their favorite food: humans. Before the sunset, Mertaphala was a city of stone; by the sunrise, hollowed ruins beyond rep.\n\nSurvivors left Mertaphala and settled across the hinterlands of the quickly fracturing Mertamengi. Among these new settlements is kadamuu. Four centuries and twenty-nine tribes later, kadamuu has emerged as the most possible successor of this long dead kingdom. On special occasions, kadamuu soldiers would enter the now overgrown ruins and meditate, told to say the words, "remember Mertaphala."
+10% Morale of Armies

Festival of the Holy SheepDuring the heyday of the twenty-nine tribes, one of the first ruling tribes held religious beliefs that were very... unique. It was known as the Fraternity of the Holy Sheep, and it held sheep not just as holy creatures, but as gods. The cult forbade the slaughter of live sheep, which led to scores of famine, ordered herders to paint the sheep and lead them through towns, and forced true believers to eat grass. The Fraternity died out with the 7th tribe, but its lasting legacy is yekidusi begi beali, or "the Festival of the Holy Sheep." Celebrated annually on the first week of spring in the village of Furkis, sheep are forbidden to be slaughtered for one week, sheep are painted in vibrant colors like a canvas and paraded through the streets; people are also allowed to eat grass, bet on sheep races and the week ends with the colored sheep being shaved and their wool sat up in unique arrangements.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Little Brother"The relationship between Kidsit Yitsi and Kadamuu has always been a strange one. At first, Kidsit kept Kadamuu in a constant state of chaos to prevent something, like a rival? Then they wanted to invade Kadamuu and take it for themselves. But then Bemnet met with them and slowly they became like twins. I am quite aware of the agreements, in exchange for protecting Kadamuu’s northern flank, the state will offer Kidsit access to Kadamuu’s famous soft wool for cheaper prices. I get it, but according to old records from a critic, my great grandfather made an additional deal with Kidsit Yitsi, but that’s a secret. Makes me wonder. What is this secret deal?" \n\n-Ezana zor Adeba-Desta
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Supply SuzerainWhereas Kidsit Yitsi is a place of warriors, Kadamuu is a place dedicated to food and people. Kadamuu is home to a great variety of foods like grain, fish, the abundance of livestock, and the important access to salt. Because of this, Kidsit Yitsi sees Kadamuu as an important supplier of food in times of famine or war. This act of goodwill has made perceptions of Kadmamuu with a warm perspective.
+20% Improve Relations

The Silver Fleece1489, Another lost secret of Mertamengi has been unveiled! A species of sheep long claimed to be extinct following the fall of Mertaphala, has been rediscovered in the hills of Kamagoo. Twenty three years ago, an elderly couple found three pairs of sheep, with a strange silvery wool in a small hollow. The wool is so oddly thick and dense, the exterior side was hard, firm, and earth-like; but the fleece cut from the sheep felt soft and normal. During a bandit raid, the elderly couple wrapped themselves in a sleeve of the Silvery wool; when a bandit rained arrows onto the couple, the arrows bounced off. Realizing their potential, the couple’s family secretly grew the herd of Silver Sheep out and eventually revealed their existence. The Silvery fleece has been used by the military to protect their soldiers from arrows, and even bullets.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Mastery Over WeavingSitewosi have always been known for their prowess in weaving, but the Kadamuu are known not for their basket or netcraft, but weaving flesh. However, weaving isn’t just art in Kadamuu, but a universal art. Trained straight from the capital, Kadamuu has a class of master weavers dedicated to people's health, however only to fresh wounds, otherwise the method is moot. First for soldiers to seal wounds. Then for the workers to reconnect their lost fingers. Now for the child, who lost his legs. All through the use of thread, lives have been expanded and made longer. Like threads in a tapestry.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

+10% Production Efficiency


