Jixobix Ideas

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+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
+50% Looting Speed

Jix the GoldseekerJixobix is a gnollish kingdom established by Jix the Goldseeker during the Age of Petty Kings. Born into poverty, she found new precious metal veins in eastern Šad Sur and became obsessed with acquiring more wealth. Jix then amassed like-minded followers and spent her wealth establishing a proper siege corps that was able to invade and kick out the Akalate of Šad Sur in the early 9th century AA. This gold mining has ensured the pack’s internal stability and it survived following Jix’s death, slowly encompassing most of Šad Sur until the Jaherian Campaigns.
+10% Production Efficiency

Flail QueensRulers of Jixobix are colloquially referred to as Flail Queens among Gnolls of Bulwar, due to this pack’s commonplace use of flails. Flails are used by gnollish chargers to spread havoc among the enemy and wound as many as possible in one swing. Domestically, flails remind slaves of their place and encourage them to follow orders. And politically, the larger and more intricately adorned flails are a status of wealth and power.
+10% Shock Damage

Gnollish BankingFollowing the consolidation of Šad Sur in the middle of 10th century under Jixobix, the gnollish mining packs began to take over existing mining operations from the locals and further expand the mines. To finance the growing economy, the gnolls required plenty of slaves and capital, which often could not be afforded by the up-and-coming slave owners. Moukxac the Thrifty was a rich slave owner who established the first gnollish bank in 977 AA. Initially, the bank loaned slaves, expecting a cut from the gains made by them. As economic growth reached its peak, the bank transitioned into a more typical Bulwari model.
-1 Interest Per Annum

United, Even If ApartFollowing Jaherian conquests of Šad Sur, the kingdom was shattered and its gnolls went into hiding throughout the mountains, or scattered across the Salahad. Despite that loss, the cultural identity of Jixobix survived, in many thanks due to its currency. Jixobix has been minting coins featuring Jix the Goldseeker on one side ever since the pack’s inception. Gold minted from the metal mined in Šad Uraš reminded gnolls of their once great wealth for many generations to come.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

The UnderqueenThe Underqueen was an influential crime boss operating across the lower and middle Suran during the early Age of Cinders. She kept herself hidden, working through agents and intermediates, focusing on breaking out various prisoners to recruit them, harassing trade and smuggling goods across the collapsing Phoenix Empire. Following a series of successful operations, the Twelve of Bulwar decided to strike back against her and found out that she was a long descendant of Jix the Goldseeker, seeking to amass enough wealth to hire mercenaries and restore her pack. With the support of the kingdom of Dalarand, the Twelve succeeded at eliminating her, though some believe the Underqueen went into hiding, and her descendants continue her campaign even today.
-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Flay Yourself For the XhazobkultFlails are an important part of every aspect of the pack’s society, including religion. Bulwari records state that Gnollish troops used to flail themselves before battles, charging into the trembling human forces with pain-inflicted savagery. The gnolls held that the inflicted pain and rage would bring to the surface the blood of the demonic Xhazobs they believed to be their distant ancestors.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Flails of TruthFollowing the establishment of the Jadd Empire, Gnollish converts became common, including those in former Jixobix. Unknown to the public at large, the Lightbringers of the Jadd Empire started occasionally employing the local flail masters for their cause. Zealous for Surael just as their ancestors were zealous for the Xhazobkult, the gnolls eagerly punished those deemed dangerous and heretical by the Lightbringers.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces