Jinhusi Ideas

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+10% National Tax Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Way of the Golden CoreThe Monks of Jinhusi see chi cultivation as a form of internal alchemy that transforms the body, and perpetually push the boundaries of chi cultivation to understand its deepest secrets. The masters of the order believe that by focusing their chi under specific circumstances and techniques, they will one day discover how to transmogrify the insides of their bodies into pure gold, and in doing so reach immortality and unlock various extraordinary powers. In their pursuit of this goal they have become experts in more traditional forms of alchemy, imbibing rare metals and parts of magical creatures to enhance their chi cultivation techniques as they pursue the ideal of the golden core.
-15% Regiment Drill Loss
+15% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Bulwark Against the WarlordsEast of the enlightened lands of Xianjie, warlords rule, and many with delusions of grandeur wish to defile our enlightened monasteries. Whenever these men have come, they have been repulsed by the strength of our warriors and the sturdiness of our walls. This has happened throughout the centuries, and will continue to happen into the future. This has invariably made us experts at defense, able to repel and outlast any assault.
+20% Fort Defence

Despots of GoldWe control the production of currency within the Xia, and we take our responsibility very seriously. Many nations who mine gold suffer crippling inflation, and we have taken steps to avoid this fate. Anyone who mines more than his quota is subject to harsh punishments, and our stocks are regularly scrutinized for errors. This has both kept our inflation in check and gained us a reputation as one of the strictest Xiakens, allowing us to grow without destroying our savings.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Ferocity of IndarAfter the fall of Harimar's empire, the land was rife with war, and suffering was everywhere, especially among the stranded Harimari. Seeing this, a captain of Harimar's army named Indar converted to the Righteous Path and founded Jinhusi, so that the Harimari people might again know peace.\n\nThis event, of course, did not mean he was a pacifist, and he was known for being a furious titan on the battlefield. All soldiers within our borders seek to emulate him so that they may bring fury to their enemies.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Peasant AlchemyOver time, Jinhusi’s alchemical experimentations have reached beyond just the monks and their chi cultivation. Several of the simpler alchemical formulas produced by the masters have been adopted by the local villagers, who use them to great effect. Potions and tinctures for a bountiful harvest, cures for illness, and draughts to extend life are common among the peasant folk of Jinhusi, wise elders commonly knowing just the right recipe for your problem.
-10% Development Cost

The Art of RulingIn many of the schools of our misguided brothers, masters are chosen based on combat prowess alone. While this may be useful in battle, it is a detriment when it comes to matters of state. Our masters are selected for their administrative competence, which naturally has greatly improved both our revenues and efficiency. We have also avoided being less effective on the battlefield by promoting the military component to the special rank of captain, allowing our administrators to administrate and our fighters to fight.
-5% Administrative Technology Cost
+1 Administrative Possible Policies

Untouched by SinHarimari in general are known for being incredibly corrupt, with the great Raj to the west being a prime example. We are not most Harimari, however, and our administrators are known for being incorruptible.\n\nThis stark difference stems from the fact we all serve a higher purpose, working for the people instead of our own accounts. This has greatly increased the efficiency and decreased the cost of our administration, with even non-Harimari being inspired by our example.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

+0% Yearly Army Professionalism