Jianxusi Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
-15% General Cost

The Order of KeepersJianxusi is known to be one of the oldest temples in the Xianjie, built in the mists of prehistory far before the founding of the Xia, and its Order of Keepers is believed to be just as ancient. Pledged to keep the dark blade Kongjiàn out of the hands of demons, devils, and villains, the Keepers enforce a harsh and ascetic discipline among their own.\n\nEven their Righteous Master is forbidden any earthly pleasures, sleeping on the same stone in the same barrack as every other Keeper. Only those who cultivate such inner discipline can reliably resist the dark arts of the Lefthand Path or other sinister forces, and thus entrusted to be Keepers.
+5% Discipline

§M(Kongren, the Void's Edge) §!The sword known to the Yan as §M(Kongren, the Void's Edge) §! is now believed to be some form of precursor spellblade unlike any other known. The blade is plated in black damestear, its edge impossibly sharp, and when wielded by one with a powerful will it can project magic-nullifying fields or emit powerful beams of black swordlight which pierce even the strongest abjurative wards.\n\nLegend has it that the blade was forged by the Oni using sinister Lefthand techniques, and that Jianxusi and the Order of Keepers were founded following its capture or theft with the goal of keeping it out of the demons' hands.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The First BladedancersThe art of Bladedancing - using one's blade as a focus for magic or chi - has been passed down by the Keepers to their disciples for ages, and every Keeper is trained to be a proficient Bladedancer. It is from Jianxusi that Bladedancing proliferated, with the first Cannorian mage-knights, including the famous knights of the Orda Aldresia, having learned the art from Keepers.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

The Still Ocean TechniqueAll Keepers, but especially their Masters, are expected to possess balanced and calm souls in order to better protect themselves from both the temptation of Kongjiàn and the sinister techniques of the Lefthand Path or malicious spirits. To assist with this cultivation of inner serenity, the Keepers created and perfected the Still Ocean Technique, a form of meditation in which one envisions their soul as an ocean without waves.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Control of the Jianxusi DepositThe temple of Jianxusi is a stone's throw from a colossal deposit of damestear. Unwilling to use the damestear for their own benefit due to its unstable and corrupting nature, the Keepers' monopoly on the mining and trade of the magic stone ensures the merchants they contract are welcome in every market of Haless.
+20% Caravan Power

The Secret of ZhouszingThe creation of black damestear - called Zhouszing, 'Cursed Star' in the Yan language, or Korashi elsewhere in Haless - was a secret guarded for millennia by the sinister Oni. It was only in the mid 16th century, under the supervision of the Command's Hobgoblins, that Zhouszing was finally replicated by human hands.\n\nThe first human artisans to create the substance set up their workshops in Jianxusi, close to the damestear deposit. These artistans would be highly valued up until the Command moved their black damestear production to Sir. Their knowledge of how to work Black Damestear ultimately proliferated across trade routes to Cannor, where the substance toppled a score of kingdoms.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Temple of a Hundred SchoolsTo be accepted as a disciple of the Keepers, one must already be a skilled combatant, and in the Xianjie most skilled combatants are followers of one of the various martial schools of the Xia. Thus, the Keepers count among their own masters a great variety of schools and paths, and it is for this reason that Jianxusi is frequently called the Temple of a Hundred Schools.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

-10% Development Cost