Jiangliusi Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+10% Trade Efficiency

School of Flowing WaterThe disciples of the School of Flowing Water are taught to be swift in combat, to strike with unstoppable force, and to always be open to change or innovation. Most Flowing Water masters are magically gifted, and the School claims a deep connection with the ancient water spirits of the Youxiahe.
+10% Morale of Armies

The LiusibaoAt the end of the Youxiahe, an ancient fortress monastery lies atop a river isle. Known as the Liusibao, this citadel is the home of the School of Flowing Water, the political and economic center of Xianjie, and the capital of the Xia. The Liusibao is purported to be practically un-siegeable, having fallen only twice - once to Harimar, and then to Jaher.
+20% Fort Defence

A Land Between LandsThe forests of Xianjie lie between the two lands of Rahen and Yanshen, and Jiangliusi lies at the center of Xianjie. Consequently, the monks of Jiangliusi and their river fortress play host to much of the traffic flowing between the two lands.
+25% Institution Spread

Founders of the XiaMany centuries ago, the followers of the Righteous Path ranged far and wide across Haless, bowing to no sovereign and practicing their martial arts in the ways that each individual saw fit. In the early 200s, during the chaos in the wake of Harimar's death, the various schools united under the leadership of one nominal sovereign: Jiangliusi.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Inviting the Righteous MastersIn 270, First Master Kai Jiàn invited all Righteous Masters of the Xia to meet in a summit at the Liusibao. As the empire of Harimar dissipated into ashes and the chaos of civil war subsided, the disparate Xiaken were becoming restless and unruly, so Master Jiàn sought to reinforce the bonds between them so as to keep the young Xia united. After many days of heated debate - both rhetorical and martial - it was decided unanimously that the event would become a tradition. Every decade, the Righteous Masters of the various schools and paths of the Xia meet in the Liusibao to discuss the direction of the Xia and the state of the Righteous Path.
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Masters of HydropowerThe masters of the School of Flowing Water unsurprisingly have a great affinity for water, and even those disciples who are not magically gifted have an intangible connection to the rivers of Xianjie.\n\nThe banks surrounding the Liusibao are lined with water mills and other, more magical devices of their design, making use of hydropower not only to mill grain but to irrigate fields or forge metal. Some are even rumoured to be hotspots of river nymph activity.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A New XiaThis new age has brought about a myriad of innovations and challenges, each one straining the Xia further and further. If Jiangliusi wishes to keep its position at the head of the Righteous Path, it must solidify its control over the unruly Xiaken.
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
+25% Income from Vassals

+1 Diplomatic Reputation