Jaya Raya

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Jaya Raya

Primary Culture

-10% Regiment Costs
+1 Land Leader Shock

Sri Baginda of the LupulanLess than a century ago, in living memory no less, Jaya Raya was the undisputed king of all Yanglam kings, extracting tribute from anywhere of importance in the northern Lupulan. It would have remained this way were it not for the foreigner pirates, who stole our dominion from us during our battle against minor Yanglam warlords who had attempted to revolt after the weakening of Baihon Xinh, a longtime ally of ours.\n\nMany tribes sided with the pirates in this grand coalition, seeking to overthrow the true Yanglam ruler for a batch of foreigners. No matter. The Yanglam will come to know their true rulers, and it has always been us.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Dancers of the FloodAlthough most others in the rainforest would cower behind their walls at the jungle's flooding, we know better. Most would take the torrential water as it seems, a warning to step back behind safety. In reality, it is an opportunity; the jungle is challenging us, demanding that we present it with a ceremony grand enough to sate its boredom. That's exactly what we do. Using magic, a number of dancers can stand atop the water as if it were dirt, executing exotic dances day after day until the flooding ends.\n\nThe floods spare us the worst of their efforts, and the populace love the entertainment, so it would appear that our dances have come to meet the challenge.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Bombastic War SongsA state such as ours requires constant combat - for if the foreigners are allowed a foothold, like the Pinghoi pirates, then they shall push until the entire region is subjugated. To this end, the question of combat is a regular one: what would allow soldiers to fight better? A particularly effective answer to the eternal question is one of song. The music of Jaya Raya is remarkable for its fast tempo and strong percussion, and the addition of metallic sounds creates a melody that is incredibly popular, not to mention loud.\n\nAny who fight us will hear the echoes of Hebat music, an omnipresent beat that our troops might march, fight, and die to.
+10% Morale of Armies

Villages Hidden in the LeavesNo other kingdom in the Lupulan can claim to best our achievements, for our people have conquered the jungle itself. Having deemed our offerings of dance sufficient, the Lupulan canopy is particularly cooperative in the creation of towns and cities, allowing us to build great complexes well above the reach of the waters. Likewise, it is easy to ascend up and down - eagles provide a route up, whereas large leaves allow for smooth glides downwards. Space is plentiful, and floods are rare. Indeed, this unclaimed land is yet another opportunity passed up by our fellows...
-10% Development Cost

Feasts for the DeadOne might consider it a curious flaw that all royal heirs are provided with extensive pensions, and one more curiosity further that they cease upon their ascension to the throne. However, these are actually well-planned failsafes. All pensions come directly from the pockets of the king, and a significant pension is necessary. Upon the succession of a new king, they must use this pension to organize and host a great feast. This peculiar practice serves to ensure a good-natured succession, likewise guaranteeing that there will be no spurned phantoms haunting the realm as they do in nations who dare to disrespect the dead. All are invited to this great feast, and no royal dares provide a sub-par experience - for the memories of the revelers are very long indeed, and it is best to make those memories good...
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Battle for Yanglam SovereigntyForeigners attempt to intrude upon the Lupulan at all moments. All seek the ultimate prize - the total subjugation of all Yanglam people. Thankfully, Jaya Raya is located at the northern ends of the rainforest, and so have had the honor of serving as the first bulwark against the Sirtani exiles, and one of the only warlords powerful enough to deter direct Binhrung intervention in the Lupulan. Though the arrival of Pinghoi complicated matters, the struggle with foreigners is one that Jaya Raya is very used to.\n\nThough they might seem superior, none know the Lupulan. We shall outlast them all, surviving upon plants they would never have seen to eat, and living in places they would never have thought to live. While their armies lay dying in pits of their own shit, our own soldiers shall claim the day! For the Yanglam!
-20% Land Attrition

Paranormal Puppetry'Have you ever seen a puppet move like it is alive? No, not like a Mechanim. I mean a tiny little marionette, barely able to stand up by itself. One of the first things I laid eyes upon in Jaya Raya was just that. Like they were boasting. I don't know what those puppeteers did, but it was like the spindly little doll suddenly found itself alive, at first jerking and kicking before picking itself up and moving like a swimming elf. It performed the water dance I have heard so much about, and eventually they animated a second, and the two did all sorts of things, all the while their puppeteers (were those really puppets?) narrated their goings-on. It felt almost as if the dolls were waiting for cues.\n\nIt did not look like any kind of necromancy to me, and that unsettles me. These puppets... there is nothing like them, not in the whole world. How do you make a bundle of cloth and sticks move like it's alive? Were it breathing, it would have been like a real thing. Their owners... their hands barely moved. How did they do all of it?'\n\nFrom "A Look Around Halcann", chapter 12 'My Time in the Lupulan', published 1830 AA.
+1 Monthly Splendour
-1% Prestige Decay


