Jade March Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
-20% Reinforce Cost

Nirokyu ZonanThe Mountain Tax, or Nirokyu Zonan in goblin, is a tax that was initiated by the Command, which required the Jade March to send large quantities of gold, copper, iron and serpentsbloom to their overlord to support their war effort. In order to meet their quotas the taskmasters of the Jade March got both harsher and more efficient at ensuring their teams' production. This harshness and efficiency became ingrained in Jade Marcher society.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Stewards of GrônstunadWhen the Lion Command’s exodus to the surface left the great hold of Grônstunad in our hands, the hobgoblins made sure to leave us with a few secrets they had learned about the cavernous place. This knowledge, combined with centuries of living in lesser holds has given Jademarcher goblins a great understanding of how to properly defend and expand their holds.
-5% Construction Cost
+10% Fort Defence

Labyrinthine PlantationsWhile there are only four holds in Jade March Proper connected by the Dwarovrod, seemingly endless amounts of caverns also exist within the Eastern Serpentspine. Jade Marcher farmers have become masters at growing crops of fungi, serpentbloom, and anything else that will grow in the dank darkness of the caverns. These plantations wind their way through the tunnels, and any but the most experienced would get lost. Luckily, the Jademarcher farmers have lifetimes of experience navigating the caves. They regularly surpass what any bureaucrat could reasonably expect to be grown, and this surplus has become an important part of the Jade March economy.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Old Traditions and New PhilosophiesAt the birth of the Jade March, many goblins still worshiped traditional Goblinic Shamanism. The influence of the Command upon the March instilled Godlost principles in many, and the philosophy became massively popular throughout the holds. However, many goblins deep in the caverns still cling to the old ways. This created a mixed society where people were not discriminated against for their belief in the old ways or the new philosophies.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Lessons of the WolfJademarcher armies have long served those of the command, and more often than not found themselves marching alongside the Wolf Command specifically. On many a campaign the Marcher soldiers have seen how the members of the Wolf Command have become experts of living off the land and making their resources seem slim. Marcher commanders have mirrored these techniques to great success.
-15% Land Attrition

Exaltations Through ProductionAs the March Goblins shifted from an economy of resource extraction to an economy of manufactoring they adopted the system of exaltations from their hobgoblin overlords, but instead of requiring military excellence to advance in social standing it is outstanding skill in crafts in quality and quantity of goods produced.
+10% Production Efficiency

Funding the Great InsubordinationAs the Great Command Grew, the goblins of the Jade March became masters of subtly encouraging the new hobgoblin commands of Dragon, Elephant, and Tiger to demand more power. These whispers turned into secret deals with the leaders of these New Commands, where the Jade March would prioritize their armies above those of the three original Commands. This would give the New Commands the confidence needed to start the Great Insubordination. Regardless of how their revolt went, the skills learned by Jade Marcher agents during this time are ready to be put to use.
+25% Rebel Support Efficiency
+10% Spy Network Construction

+20% Manpower Recovery Speed