Jadd Empire

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Jadd Empire

Primary Culture

+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
-33% Missionary Maintenance Cost

Expand the LegionsWhen the Legions adopted the Jadd, they also opened up their ranks to a much greater variety of people and races. While this was initially disruptive and led to a decrease in discipline and organization, it also had as an immediate effect that it greatly increased the manpower pool the state could draw from. This allowed the Jadd Empire to pull on greater amounts of men than their neighbours.
+20% National Manpower Modifier

Native BureaucratsAll within the Jadd are equal and it would not do to suppress any cultures or races. So the Jadd Empire followed a practice of leaving local administrations intact to cause minimal disruption. Where feudal systems existed, the local lords needed to report to the imperial governor, but the rest was left intact. The same occurred with more modern administrations. Only in very tribal systems with no clear power structure was order brought by restructuring the local systems, but local chiefs still stayed in power. Of course all of this was if they did not revolt. This system allowed large areas to be swiftly integrated and reduced the need for forming new local administrations.
+20% Governing Capacity Modifier

Spread the FaithAt the heart of the Jadd Empire stood the faith of the Jadd. While proclaiming the empire had given the faith a clear home and base to rally around, the Jadd was not an isolationist religion. Its core tenet was the banishment of the dark, so the Empire ever sought to expand its borders and to spread the faith to new lands. It could not rest until the darkness was banished from all lands.
-20% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

Restructure the LegionsThe old Phoenix Legions underwent great changes since the Sun Elves first landed on shores of Bulwar. The experience they gained while campaigning through Sarhal and Haless made them strong. The adaptation to the eastern Salahad made them crafty. The next reform would leave them changed to an even greater degree. The mixing of different races into the army would have made them unrecognisable to Jaher's army. However the experience and drill of their veterans forged these different groups into one force, now also driven by a common purpose: To defend and to spread the Light of the Jadd.
+5% Discipline
+10% Morale of Armies

Rebuild the Golden HighwayThe Golden Highway of Jaher was the greatest infrastructure project the world had seen until that point. So great that the following generations could not keep up with its maintenance. Until the Jadd Empire stepped in and reconnected the ancient Bulwari lands with its core lands around the Mountain of Clear Sight. A new highway was constructed in the place of the old one, recreating the connection between Haless and Bulwar. Its control gave the Jadd greater power over its trade and also allowed swift movement of troops from one end of the empire to another.
+20% Caravan Power
+15% Movement Speed

Increase Lightbringer JurisdictionThe order of Lightbringers was a class of warriors, scribes, rhetoricians and clerics that had as a task to safeguard the light within the state. Their tasks mainly revolved around seeking out heathens and heretics and either making them see the light, or bringing them to trial. In the days of the Jadd Empire their powers were extended to bypass the courts and to instantly deal with anyone who did not comply with the tenets of the faith. This would lead to occasional riots and more than one instance of the burning of innocents, but it did quicken the spread of the faith within the Empire.
+1% Missionary Strength
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

The True Successors of SuraelSince time immemorial the central question of the Bulwari religion has been how the world responds to the death or return of Surael. The Sun Cult proclaimed Jaher to be the god's reincarnation, and when he died the Sun Elves were appointed as the successors. Jaddar claimed that all people who follow the truth would be Surael's successors. In turn those who follow the Jadd see their leader as the Divine Herald and the voice of the Sun God.
+1 Yearly Absolutism


