Iyarhashari Ideas

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+10% Morale of Armies
-25% State Maintenance

Jungle TerrorWhile the jungles of Southern Rahen make many things difficult, they are very useful in the defense of Iyarhashar. It is a naturally inhospitable place and, with just a bit of effort by their troops, can be transformed into a nightmare for enemies. The Iyarhashari fill the thick, dense foliage with traps, ambushers, skirmishers and predatory wildlife. The thought of fighting and moving through jungles is unpleasant; Iyarhashar's troops make it hellish.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Raghamideshi Ferocious IndependenceLong have the Raghamideshi Kingdoms stood as sovereign nations along the Raheni coast. Despite their best efforts, not even the Harimraj could break them in its prime. Rampalar II himself came to the Raghamideshi cities to conquer them, and he left their lands in a casket, killed at the hands of the brave Iyarhashari warriors, not days after what was thought a decisive victory at Shenral's bloody gate. The Raghamideshi stood tall and faced down their strongest opponent in recent memory, sending them home with a dead emperor and broken spirits. They weathered that storm and came out stronger than before; they will not falter now.
+20% Fort Defence

Metobesebi IntegrationThe fall of the Metobesebi peoples is a tragedy, but one that could be taken advantage of. The destabilisation of their people allowed Iyarhashar's calculating strategists to methodically and effectively seize control of vast swathes of their lands. With the help of the slaver's guild of Dvirashar, they faced little opposition as those who resisted were "reallocated". In exchange for their help, the slavers were granted charters in the new lands and business boomed in the slave capital of Rahen, albeit at the Metobesebi's expense.
-20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost

Raghamideshi Naval HistoryThe location of the Raghamideshi Kingdoms along the coastline has led to a long history of their people at sea. For centuries they have sailed the seas, founded great ports and ventured to foreign lands. Over time these maritime activities began to be ingrained within their culture, becoming a large part of their identity and history. The legacy of this is a society in which service in the merchant or military marine is a high honour, and members are shown great respect, particularly those who rise high within the ranks. This reputation and societal ideal has led to a never ending supply of fresh blood for the Raghamideshi navies, with a great many of these recruits possessing a fierce ambition to make a name for themselves.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Bavijay Naval IndustriesIn 1521, the Bavijay Naval Supplies Company was established in response to the continuous growth of the Iyarhashar navy. This company would introduce numerous innovations in naval technology to the region, with many of their ideas having come from traders from various parts of Sarhal and greater Haless. These innovations led to a significant increase in the Iyarhashari's naval capacity, as well as the productivity of the maritime industry overall.
+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+5% Production Efficiency

Turban School ConnectionAll throughout the coastal lands of the Raghamideshi the teachings of the Silk Turban dominate all others. It was in the city of Sarkashabid long ago where these beliefs truly took hold and began to emanate throughout Rahen. The Raghamideshi are the children of those first forerunners, who preached that the creation of wealth through legitimate means was the truest way to connect with the Gods. Since the time of those great preachers, they have become exceptionally good at creating wealth; and this pursuit of it has cultivated a society that is deeply respectful of those who walk that path.
+10% Global Trade Power

Last Bastion Of RaghamideshIt is a warm morning on the 21st Teysuren, 1483. Storm clouds can be seen rolling over the coast towards Sardika. Outside the walls, Garrison Commander Captain Indaya watches the Bhuvauri host rouse and prepare for its assault on the walls. The siege has lasted 453 days so far, but it is inevitable that today will be the last. A whole week of endless assaults against the walls has worn down the defenders and defeat now is certain. Raghamideshi people from all over Rahen have answered the call to arms by the city to defend their last free home, but in the end it is not enough.\n\nAs thunder booms behind her and rain begins to fall, the horns from the Bhuvauri camp sound and Captain Indayatakes her position along the wall for one last stand against the foreign menace. The Bhuvauri could have the city, but not without paying a bloody price for it.
+25% Garrison Size

-10% Construction Cost