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Primary Culture

-1% Prestige Decay
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Iron Fist of IsobelThe virgin territories of Aelantir offer many opportunities, its vast and unexplored lands bring promises of easy to settle fields and hidden wealth. This does tend to attract very independent minded individuals, who more often than not do not like to listen to authority, but this mindset only lasts so long before those who break the law are visited by the republican guard. The ‘Esteemed Widow’ rules with an iron fist.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

The Orphans of the SeaThe Ruined Sea is often treacherous, and between pirate attacks and wars amongst the various powers that seek to dominate the region, numerous unlucky sailors end their careers at the bottom of the sea.\n\nFor those fortunate enough to make it ashore, Isobelin’s ships always have space for new crew, be they slave or bucaneer, gnoll or Lencori, your past matters not, all are welcome in the navy!
+15% National Sailors Modifier

Cheshoshi MercenariesCannorians are not the only ones attracted to our settlements, the natives of the region, often referred to as ‘Ruinborn’, have been showing up in large numbers too.\n\nWhile most seem to dismiss them as foolish natives, the true fool is the one who fails to recognize talent. The Cheshoshi have thorough knowledge of the lay of the land and seem adept at handling firearms, making them a deadly force for those intending on longer voyages over land. Why, their appearance alone often scares enemies away!
+10% Mercenary Manpower

A Rising MetropolisThe Coast of Isobel is one of the most rapidly urbanizing areas on the continent, this trend is especially noticeable in the central island right between the coast and Jayekmoot: the settlement there is the heart of the country and often referred to simply as ‘The City’.\n\nThe growing concentration of manpower, goods and coin has started to rival that of many cities back in Cannor and, one day, the entire region will be famous as a City that Never Sleeps.
-15% Development Cost

The Isobelin Stock ExchangeIn the middle of the 17th century several brokers of the capital organized themselves and, with sanction of the government, founded the Isobelin Stock Exchange, the first of its kind in Aelantir. With it, Isobelin more effectively linked itself to the increasingly interconnected global trade network and started to cement the Port of Isobel as *the* place to do business in the highly competitive Trollsbay.
+20% Global Trade Power

The Agency of Tax EnforcementThe high volume of goods traded in Isobelin made it extremely hard to make sure that every merchant paid their due share of taxes, with it being little more than an open secret that many of the largest cities in the country had booming black markets.\n\nTo help combat this the ‘Agency of Tax Enforcement’ was founded, this organization would count in its rank not only some of the most talented administrators in the country, but also a well trained personal guard that could act quickly and conduct raids without first requesting permission from the central authorities. In its most famous raid the ATE dismantled a large gnoll smuggling ring, which secretly sold slaves and bulwari artifacts to some of the richer members of the city.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Commissioner's Act of 1780A key concern of not only the government but also much of the population was always in regards to how to organize the seemingly unending flood of immigrants that would arrive on the shores of Isobelin. This challenge also attracted many foreign scholars, who would set up shop in said cities, together they would create the Isobel Institute of Architecture.\n\nThe institute would soon become the learning place for many urbanists, with the most famous being Cecil Erel, considered the prime mind behind the Commissioner's Act of 1780, which laid out a plan to rebuild the entire capital into a semi-organic grid, immensely helping its internal transit and large scale development projects, this design would be soon copied by many cities in the country.
-15% Construction Time


