Ishalani Ideas

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-10% Construction Cost
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Astral AccordIn the hushed reverence of the twilight, the tribe gathers, each member drawn by the celestial call of their ancestors and the shared thread of curiosity that winds its way through the hearts of all sentient beings. Regardless of species, age, or creed, all are welcome at the communal stargazing nights, where tribe and visitor alike succumb to the hypnotic pull of astral bodies strewn across the black expanse.\n\nEncircling a tender bonfire, naga and ruler join in the recounting of tribal and spiritual history - of lizards, love and loss. It is said that to shed a tear at such an event is to be Ishalanas, for the practice mirrors the very essence of the tribe's name: 'To gaze upon the stars with sorrowful eyes.'
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
-5 Years of Separatism

Diplomatic GroveIn Naga ra Atsla, the wind whispers an age-old tale. A story of twin tribal princes, Ix and Qoz, each hungry for a promised inheritance. An ownership dispute stewed between them, focused on a grove of serpentine trees from which the region gets its name. Ix, the elder, staked his claim based on the precedence of birth, measured not in mere minutes but the ceremonious count of fifty-two axe swings. In contrast, Qoz, the younger, argued that his additional youth granted him an extended lifespan of the same count, entitling him to an equal share.\n\nA challenge was issued: each brother would take turns striking the mightiest tree of the grove, and the one who felled it would become the rightful owner. Swing after swing, the brothers persevered, but the resilient tree absorbed every hit. Suddenly, upon completion of the fifty-second swing, the axe fractured.\n\nIn the echo of the ensuing silence, a hissing laugh emerged from the brothers. With the axe rendered useless and the tree standing unbowed, it was clear the gods had spoken: there would be no single victor. Both brothers, linked by a shared heritage, were to share the grove. From that day forth, it was proclaimed that no dispute within its vicinity could end in discord.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Atashas GarutEvery hand that toils during peacetime is a claw that strikes in times of war. It is under this principle, and this principle alone, that the Atashas Garurt was formed. As the war drums echo, a tribal elder lifts his well-worn garurt high into the air. 'What is this?' he bellows. 'An axe!' replies the gathering, their voices filling the night with the promise of solidarity. The elder's voice thunders again, 'And to whom does the axe belong?' 'The People!' shouts the unified response. 'Then who are we?' From every throat comes the final hiss, 'Atashas Garurt! Atashas Garurt! Atashas Garurt!'
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

VinegridsListen closely and you will hear the Ishalanas jungle's ever-throbbing heartbeat; the rhythmic shuffle of logs over the Vinegrids, each slide and shift a note contributing to the harmonious blend of muscle, vine, and wood. A remarkable innovation born not of metal or stone, but from the living sinews of Ishalani's leafy domain. Deft claws and a keen understanding of their environment transform sturdy vines into sprawling lattices, cradling the weight of smoothly felled logs above the uneven jungle floor. Like serpents undulating through the undergrowth, these Vinegrids allow heavy logs to glide with a grace that belies their bulk.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Green PactIn the tumultuous year of 1420, as the spectre of war loomed large across lizard-land, Sykar the Great of the Rayaz tribe came to us in his hour of crisis and we extended a branch of peace in the form of our most abundant resource: wood. This simple, unselfish act marked the inception of the Green Pact. It was more than a mere exchange of goods—it was an assurance of neutrality, an act of goodwill that softened the harsh reality of territorial expansion.\n\nThe Green Pact has since outlived the conflict that birthed it. Today, it serves as a validation of the Ishalani tribe's expansion, weaving a compelling narrative of shared growth and mutual benefit; a historical gesture of peace reverberating in the Ishalani's dealings, tempering any resentment their growth may otherwise inspire.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Scales Of JusticeThe Ishalani have always been a tribe of equity, valuing the voice of each of its members. Our communal courts are a testament to this ethos, a public arena where every lizard may speak their mind, their words falling upon the attentive ears of the tribe. It is within this sphere of open dialogue that our commitment to fairness blooms, a living shield that stands firm against the insidious tendrils of corruption.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Dyed In The FaithBorn in the provinces of Arzun and Kash Nagaya, our naga are distinguished by a vibrant hue that seems to radiate the very essence of their divine calling. This intense, alluring coloration not only sets them apart but serves as an emblem of their spiritual authority. The spectrum of red and blue that permeates their scales is more than a mere physical attribute; it is a visual sermon in of itself.\n\nPerhaps one day their radiance can serve as a beacon to the heretics in the north-east and ground their obsession with beauty back to the spiritual.
+1% Missionary Strength vs Heretics
+15% Religious Unity

+1 Missionaries