Irusawid ideas

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-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost
-2 National Unrest

The FederationIn the olden days, the survivors of Ñawsayachaer’s fragmentation heeded the words of great powerful mages. These mages, five of them in total, collectively lead a small group of survivors to what remained of the old city of Cara Lafquen. Left in ruins, the mages would begin to reconstruct what had previously been, and forge a home for their followers. In time, the five mages, their names lost to time, had their followers encompass the entirety of Lake Chakantu. Thus, the Onisqado Confederation was born, and the many survivors of the disaster became the brothers of the lake, the many Quchamár. \n\nDespite its own separation at the hands of civil war and tremendous storms, the legacy of the Onisqado Confederation lives on in the many who inherited its lands.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Welcoming FeastFor the Irúsawid, the collective feast or qumiq is a cornerstone of civilisation, one of the most important concepts separating the sentient and the non-sentient. Beyond the use of fire and the technique of cooking itself, a qumiq also represents collaboration, organisation, distribution, hierarchy and specialisation. The qumiq is thus a metaphor for the constant Irúsawid struggle against the chaotic violence of the jungle. To spill blood at qumiq is a grave offence, and the speech one conducts there has its own name, miquyrimáy, with many special rules attached to it.\n\nMiquyrimáy is implicitly privileged, not to be recalled to those who were not present at the meal. Frankness and emotional openness are expected, even if they contradict taboos in normal life. Through miquyrimáy, pain is expressed and disagreements are brought to the surface, to be worked through and addressed. The almost holy practice of this dinner conversation has made the Irúsawid a common choice of neutral host for diplomatic exchange among the Quchamár.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Prismatic DefensesOn the one side - order, civilisation, peace, protection. On the other, chaos, destruction and violence. This is the stark message written in our landscape, the clear line between our homeland and the roiling green ocean extending into nothingness. Just as a mountain village keeps a watchtower at the entrance to its valley, so do we create fortified shrines as outposts of peace, stocked with reserves of prismatic damestear to fend off the jungle.\n\nWe are not complacent, however. The harrowing truth of the Effelai is that it never rests, and though our shrines seem to keep it at bay, we look to the future, using our damestear sparingly and fretting over the day, some time soon, when the jungle may find a way past our defenses.
+15% Fort Defence

Downward HydrotechnicsBeyond the fertile banks of the Chakantu, water can prove scarce. Over two thousand years our people have learned the lesson of these almost snowless mountains, have learned to tap the very milk of the earth to drink our fill. Networks of underground wells and channels emerge at the peaks of great terraces, flowing endlessly down a series of furred green steps, closely planted with every imaginable foodstuff and bound by stripes of carefully masoned stone. Where the savage merely plucks at the fruit of the tree, we prove the worth of the sentient mind, bringing life from pale rock and thin soil almost above the very clouds themselves.
-10% Construction Cost

Mines BelowThese are not solid dead mountains - in the ancient past, tribes of subterranean Rúmiq left routes for us through the rock, paths to the precious metals and gemstones which are our major export. The gold which clads the feasting-manors of our larger villages flows as readily here as water does elsewhere, and we prosper from it. But nothing precious exists without risk, and every miner knows the dangers that lurk in the deep, the Rúmiq still waiting to kidnap hapless wanderers and entomb them in halls of oricalchum.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Sky MasonryWe have in a real sense shaped the southern Mawída mountains, blanketing them in our terrace farms and stretching out the indolent frame of civilisation over their natural range. The terrace immediately below each village traditionally has an unusually wide retaining wall to serve as a highway along which messages and wares flow. These retaining walls continue for as far as the farms do, until finally merging into the mountain. From this point, stones are scattered within pounded earth to create cheap, durable paths which resist rain and landslides and allow passage through the mountains. In this way, we have made highways out of obstacles and laid a lattice over this difficult to traverse region.
-25% Envoy Travel Time
+10% Trade Efficiency

ChuqúykunaAs the ancient Onisqado Confederation collapsed into civil war, it quickly became obvious that the Irúasawid would need more than elevation to defend themselves against the lowlanders. They were particularly vulnerable at their limited lakefront, with a relatively low population putting them at a distinct disadvantage in the levy warfare of the period. Desperate to retain independence, the Irúasawid turned their greatest weapon against the jungle on their brothers: the prismatic damestear so known for its chaotic impact. Small cadres of Chuqúykuna, "chaos slingers", were able to sow destructive wild magic in enemy ranks and defeat forces sometimes as much as double their own size.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion