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Primary Culture

+20% National Manpower Modifier
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Warrior AuthoritySoon after the foundation of Irsukumbha, political tensions started to simmer between the military and the merchant class. Horashesh had endured decades of war and conflict, leaving the economy crippled. The great Irsukuba thinker and writer Imhale Zakwa was one of the leading voices behind wanting to move the nation’s focus towards peace and trade. In opposition was the head of the military, Ayanda Shuka. He had a different idea: he placed Imhale in charge of a small battalion with the task of wiping out a rebel army led by old Khetist nobility. His force was wiped out and Imhale was killed. Ayanda then took a similar-sized battalion and easily routed the Khetist rebels.\n\nAyanda had secretly fed the rebels information on Imhale’s troop movements, and only gave Imhale soldiers who were known slackers and troublemakers. Meanwhile his own force was made out of the finest warriors in the military. Imhale had been set up from the start, but the precedent had been set. A writer cannot protect Irsukumbha from its enemies.
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
-15% General Cost

Locust BarsWhile a locust swarm would be considered a disaster in other lands, for the Irsukumbha farmers it is a fantastic opportunity. The locusts are captured in giant nets, placed in large stone troughs, and ground into a coarse flour. This flour is mixed with water, shaped into bars, and cooked in animal fat. The final step is to coat the bar in honey and you have the perfect snack. Its ease of transport and long-lasting properties made locust bars the ideal ration food, but they are also loved by children across the country as a special treat.\n\nUnfortunately attempts to export this local delicacy had not been successful, outside of a few enterprising merchants in Fahvanosy. Even the gnolls will not eat them.
-20% Land Attrition

Repair SarhalZuvanofa, King of the World, created and shaped all upon which we stand. While his power is beyond our comprehension, he is not all-powerful. When placing the continent of Sarhal, its weight caused it to slip from his grasp and crack as it hit the earth. The spiritual underpinnings of the land shattered, dooming the people never to be united. Even at the height of its powers, the great empire of Kheterata never could unite Sarhal. Today in Irsukumbha, a new belief rises. The belief that we, the people of Horashesh, are special, having been placed on this world with the express purpose of repairing the spiritual plane and bringing unity to Sarhal.
-15% Province War Score Cost

UmyeniTaking an Umyeni as a partner had always been common in Irsukumbha, but the practice was legally recognised in 1602. While every man was encouraged to have a wife who would raise children and tend to the home and farm while he was at war, it was with his fellow man where true lifelong partnership lay. The patriarchal society in Irsukumbha was so strong that it was believed a relationship between man and woman could never be truly romantic as they were not equals. Your Umyeni was the one for whom you would fight to protect until your dying breath, as he would for you.
+10% Morale of Armies

Dynamic CrestsA family crest in Irsukumbha was not a static drawing, but an ever-changing image representing a real shield and spear displayed with pride at the family home. A son being called into war would be given these weapons and told to add to the family history. Each new scar on the shield would become a tale of heroism that would be immortalised on the crest for generations.\n\nFamily crests changed drastically over time. Sometimes the son would die in battle and the crest would not make it back to the family, so a new shield had to be made. But the greatest change to crests came with the advent of modern technology. Since the crest-weapons were expected to be used in battle, many families replaced the traditional spears with muskets, sporting charms hanging off the barrel as a nod to the feathers that adorned their older weaponry. If every man in Irsukumbha was expected to be ready for war at a moment’s notice, he could not exactly show up to the battlefield bringing a spear to a gunfight.
+10% Land Fire Damage

History EducationIf you wanted to rise through the ranks in the Irsukumbha military, you needed to be a scholar of military history. While the first universities in Horashesh limited themselves to the local wars between Kheterata the lizardfolk empire, speakers from foreign lands have since been brought in to teach students about wars abroad. Your average general in the Irsukumbha military likely knew more about troop manoeuvres in the War of the Sorcerer-King than even the Cannorian elves did.
+1 Possible Advisors
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Bao Nako TragedyA shaman, specialist in healing magic, told the population of a village on the eastern edge of the Bao Nako rainforest to burn ironwood branches and inhale the fumes while he chanted his healing spell. Within 24 hours people started keeling over in pain as the iron from the trees entered their bloodstreams and poisoned them. The lucky ones died within a few days. The unlucky ones lived for at least three weeks in intense pain before they too succumbed to the poison. So many died that not enough people remained to bury the dead, leaving many bodies to rot in the streets.\n\nQuack medicine had been a problem in Horashesh for a long time, but the Bao Nako Tragedy forced the State to crack down on these fake shamans and make a serious effort to improve its understanding of medicine. Life expectancy was never great in Horashesh, but improvements in medicine meant more women lived through childbirth, and those who did survive into their senior years tended to live longer lives.
+30% Average Monarch Lifespan
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

-10% Core-Creation Cost


