Ironclaw Ideas

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-10% Construction Cost
+15% Fort Defence

IronclawsOgres typically fight with clubs, and northern ogres typically fight with weapons made from wood or bone. We do neither. Our tribe's hallmark are our claws cast of iron forged from the melted down weapons of our enemies, capable of savagely rending even the strongest prey as the full savagery of our peoples' strength can be brought to bear.
+0.15 Infantry Shock
+5% Morale Damage

Consume the FallenThe bodies of those that fall in battle are not wasted, during and after combat our warriors devour their deceased kin to replenish their own strength and inherit the power of the lost. While most may view this practice with disgust and write us off as cannibalistic monsters, it is we that will crush them under our clubs and feast upon their remains.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
-8% Land Attrition

Devourers of the GodsOur power comes from our devouring of our old gods, the True Giants, long ago. Even now, the fact that we and we alone were allowed to partake in this grand feasting confirms our superiority, and proves that our destiny is to rule all the lands our hungry eyes can see.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Savage FightersOur lands are harsh, populated not only by ogres but by great predators that stalk the forests. Only through our savagery can we be strong enough to survive, and so we emulate the ways of the beasts of the forest even as we stalk them, and when we gorge upon their flesh we gain their strength for our own.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Ogrish DiplomacyWe Ogres aren't exactly renowned for our charisma, with many smaller races terrified by our mighty girth and "barbaric" practices. We can use our intimidating physique to our advantage however, for it is widely known that a threat from an ogre is never an empty one.
+50% Power Projection From Insults
-10% Unjustified Demands

Feasting HallsThe centerpiece of any proper Ogre city, the feasting halls are massive buildings packed with revellers and supplying diverse buffets of flesh, produce, and drink. When confronted by this grand bounty, many times brawls end up breaking out. While these scuffles may cause a bit of damage, they ensure we always know where to look for new warriors.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Determined HuntersOur quarries are not only strong, but quick and cunning. So too then shall we be; our magemar will learn to navigate the forests more efficiently, the better to close the distance between them and their prey. Whether that prey be forest beast or rival clan; it is no matter.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change