Ionnidari Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Friend to the CrownThe Síl Ionnidar are an ancient house of Lorent, tracing their origin to one Carana of Tragobriga. Wife to a local lord during the late Lencori warlord era, she found herself ruling as her infant son’s regent after her husband died preventing a Gawedi raid from entering the Bloodwine Valley. She proved herself a great ruler, quickly bringing prosperity to the county after decades of war thanks to a series of reforms and laws, like the Carana system, a system of standardized measurement units that would later be the base of Lorent’s own system. Her effort brought her the attention of Lorenan the Great, and the High King invited her to join his court as an advisor.\n\nShe quickly became friends with Lorenan, and when the ruler of Lencenor died, her family was honored with custodianship of Lorenan’s tomb. Her descendants, the Carantis and then the síl Ionnidar, maintain the strong bond with the crown that she created, even being chosen as electors of the High Kingdom over more powerful houses.
-5% Advisor Cost
+15% Reform Progress Growth

The Bloody PassThe Ruby Pass held great significance for the Lencori, protecting the Bloodwine Valley from northern threats. Such was its importance that during the time of the old pantheon, it was believed that the pass hid the domain of Trovecos, god of the afterlife. According to myth, the souls of those who attempt to go through the Pass bearing ill-intent will find themselves bound to the land, their screams carried by the wind as a warning.\n\nIts position directly south of the Pass led Ionnidar and its inhabitants to involve themselves in the defense of the gap. During the war of the Sorcerer-King, when the Castanorian troops broke through the Pass, the Ionnidari army didn’t retreat to the capital alongside the royal force. Instead, they scattered throughout the countryside accompanied by halfling units. Together, they waged a guerilla war against the invader, targeting isolated units and the vulnerable Castanorian supplies. As the siege of Lorentaine was lifted and the invading army tried to leave Lencenor, many Castanorians found the Pass closed. Trapped between the Ionnidari and the pursuing army, they fought to the last.\n\nIf only they had listened to the warning.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

A Village in BetweenIonnidar’s greatest advantage is its central position within Lorent. Nestled between the Rose Kingdom's heartland, the Small Country, the Redglades and the Ruby Mountains and with easy access to both the Bloodwine and the Middanroy, the county greatly benefits from Lorent's internal trade. Be it halfling grains, elven fabrics, dwarven metals or Lorentish wines, the Ionnidari always find their needs and wants satisfied.\n\nThis abundance of trade does more than just keep the Ionnidari shelves topped off; it gives the human population of the county the possibility to interact regularly with every race living in the kingdom. They travel not just with wares, but also their cultures and ideas. And just like the goods they transport, a part of every shipment stays in Ionnidar, shaping for centuries the culture and ideals of the county.
+10% Institution Spread
+5% Trade Efficiency

The Crimson StarsTo many foreigners, the county of Ionnidar is a place of little interest; its many fields and pastures, like many in Cannor, rarely capture the mind of those who visit them. However, these fields hide Ionnidar’s gems: the Crimson Stars. This species of roses is found only in the county; its flowers have the unique property to emit light in the dark.\n\nLike the land it grows on, the Crimson Stars attract little attention, often being dismissed as just another wild rose, one that is overshadowed by the roses of Rosefield, the symbol of Lorent. Only those that travel through the county at night can appreciate its true beauty. Often expecting little from the scenery, come nightfall, they found themselves amazed at the sight, the land they stand on suddenly an island in a sea of red stars.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Dercanos’ Folk, Minara’s NightsLong ago, the lands surrounding the Redwoods were blessed by the visits of Dercanos' Folk. These sons of the old god of festivities would come out of the forest at night and travel to the nearest village, where they would engage in merrymaking around a bonfire, inviting the villagers to join them. They would return to the forest at dawn, leaving their exhausted hosts behind after a night of partying and often of debauchery, only to do the same thing in another village, another night.\n\nUntil one day, they returned to their forest, never to come out again.\n\nSlowly, the celebrations were abandoned by Lencori. Only in the land of Ionnidar has the tradition persisted - time has mellowed out its excesses, but couldn't wash them out completely. Now called Minara's Nights in honor of the goddess of joy, the festival is an occasion for the village communities to come together and strengthen the bond between its members.\n\nIn recent times, new visitors have come from the forest, as the festivities have attracted the attention of the elves, many of whom join the celebration. Rumour has it that the sons of Dercanos have joined the parties once more, disguised as elves. Many claim to have recognized their horns or cloven hooves - or maybe it was the alcohol speaking?
-2 National Unrest

The Ruby CompanionsAs the Second Lilac War stalled in the West Dameshead, Emperor Vincen Silmuna sent an army north to siege the fortress of Laseán and seize the Small Country. In response, King Laurens IV sent Valen síl Ionnidar to push the invader out. On his way to relieve Laseán, Valen came across a surprising sight: an army of dwarves, bearing the symbol of Rubyhold.\n\nThe Sulk had ended, the Ruby Dwarves had come once again to fight alongside the Lorentish.\n\nTogether they descended on the Damerian force, breaking it. Keeping the momentum, the Lorentish army went in pursuit of the Damerian troops, leaving some infantry units from Valen's own county to support the dwarves and their march on Módgate. There the Ionnidari would prove themselves, repelling multiple attempts from Damerian cavalry to disrupt the siege. They would continue to fight alongside the dwarves during the rest of the war and the following Lilac Wars, earning the name "Ruby Companions".
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Royan’s WondersIn Ionnidar's countryside, close to the village of Baldoéinn, can be found a strange manor, once the home of Royan of Lorentainé. The gnome had moved here to flee the busy life of the capital and practice his craft in peace, and to benefit from the local production of rosemetal, a rare material found only in the Ruby Mountains and the center of his studies. Years of experimentation led him to discover that rosemetal could handle multiple spells at once without breaking under the charge and even offered a greater control over them, allowing for the creation of powerful spellcasting foci and complex and precise inventions.\n\nHis life's work and eccentric nature would make him famous throughout Lencenor, even long after his death. Rare are those who haven't heard of the gnome, his garden of metallic flowers, his alchemic map of Cannor, his many journals going into detail in one of Royan's interests, or the myriad wonders held in his manor.\n\nThe most well-known are his collection of automata, many of which never truly achieved their intended goals. Like L.E.X, an automaton built to write what is dictated to it, only to never stop. Or the Alchmech, built with knowledge of alchemical processes but never using it. Ask it for a potion, and it'll brew you a cup of tea instead. Ask again, and it might serve you a glass of fine wine.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

+5% Discipline