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Primary Culture

-10% Idea Cost
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Ploughshares to SwordsFor a moment there was chaos. For a millennia there was peace. When Amadia fell into anarchy and magical storms first ripped through our lands, we were lost. After the thunder subsided, we entered an age of prosperity. One of free people, unbound from the shackles of society that once bound us. Through mastery of the arcane arts, we learned to rule the harsh lands we found ourselves in.\n\nBut all things must come to an end. Our success brought the envious eyes of others. Jealous of our lives, our wisdom, and our might. Our greatest mage-smiths invented Quruwei steel during the age of peace, so that our axes could fell trees with ease and our arrows would bring down prey in a single shot.\n\nOur enemies have forgotten that every blade has two edges. That our axes may fell raiders as easily as they fell lumber, that our arrows may pierce their flesh with the same practiced ease they slay animals. Quruwei steel protected us from the wilds. Now it will protect us from our foes. We will show no mercy to those who would take away our hard-won freedoms.
+10% Shock Damage

Ne-PelilladFrom time immemorial, we lived side by side with great four-legged creatures called llamas. An ancient folk tale of our people says that our ancestors made a pact with Pancha herself to gain knowledge on how to raise them, learning how to make their wool our clothes and their flesh our meals. But with the passage of time, their role as beasts of burden in our travels became much more prominent, especially so with the emergence of a new invention — the Pelillad. Before, they were simply our livestock. Now we organize them into great caravans strolling through the desert, connecting us with other people of Amadia through trade at times of peace and supplying our armies in times of war.
+5% Global Trade Power
+10% Movement Speed

Villages Hidden by SandPredicting the occurrence of great storms that plague our land was a long-held dream of our people. With the help of new divination methods and a blessing from Tukuyphu, we are able to foresee these storms, adapt to the most inhospitable lands of Amadia, and use those harsh conditions in defense of our settlements. Now our migration cycles flow according to the movement of siroccos, hiding us from our enemies behind the veil of sand and magic, wearing them down while leaving us unharmed.
+15% Fort Defence

Cannorian Military TacticsAs the Cannorians arrived, they brought along horses. Unlike our trusted llamas, horses are stronger, more agile, and fiercer than any spitting llamas we have. Our scouts studied the Cannorians as they explored the coast, how they handle such beasts, how to train them and, eventually, how to integrate them into our society. As swift was the arrival of the Cannorian explorers, so was the introduction of their horses into our lands, and later our armies. With almost every soldier mounted on a horse, they allowed us to cross lands quicker and fight foes across vast steppes.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio

Every Man Hunts for HimselfThe harsh and unforgiving lands of Amadia taught us a lot about the world. The King of Greenery has no mercy for the weak and unadapted, since they fit into the natural order as nothing but prey. Our people do not wish to perish in the sands of time, so we have to struggle and become better, while learning the ways the world lives.\nThe mountains and deserts served us as home for centuries, and they always had a challenge prepared for us. One such trial was the scarcity of food. The barren soil was barely able to support our agriculture, meaning hunting was always crucial for the survival of Inifoeyu. There is no adult Quruwei who does not know how to wield a bow and spear.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

The Fine Dresses of QuruweiAs cotton appeared in Amadia´s lands, spread by the natives and the Cannorian traders alike, it landed in the hands of our people too. Its properties of being light and airy quickly made it popular with soldiers, especially during summer campaigns with their long sunny days. What was most welcomed with the new fabric was the ability to weave colors and patterns with it. Soon our soldiers donned clothes adorned by the colors of our nation's flag and her people, a fashion which spread to the rest of our population. This soon led to a new style of dress, a mix of a poncho, and long cotton shirts, with vibrant colorful sashes that show tribal allegiances. A style that exudes the free spirit of our people.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Great Atamans of the DesertQuruwei had quite a peaceful life for a long time. No doubt there were many hardships, but our people enjoyed stability and confidence in their future. But that all changed when the foreigners from across the ocean came. The gathering storm was inevitable, so we had to prepare for it or die in its crushing vortices.\nConflicts with the foreigners from across the ocean forced our people to institute a completely new practice: elections. The people choose the most experienced and gifted in hunting, mounted combat and magical arts. They are the men ready to lead our warriors into battles and fight back against the invaders and protect those who are unable to provide for themselves.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability


