Indleburyman Ideas

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+30% Garrison Size
+15% Reinforce Speed

Autonomy Under the EmperorThe decision of the then ruler of Anbennar to weaken Wex by granting Indlebury imperial immediacy was the greatest thing ever to happen to this city.\n\nFrom the beginning of Indlebury's designation as an Imperial Free City in Anbennar, we have always treasured our freedom from the rule of the Grand Duke next to us. While other Wexonard towns still trapped under the Grand Duke's rule were forced to pay taxes to their liege and to the Emperor, we had the privilege of paying taxes and directly answering only to the ruler of All-Anbennar. We will not give up this privilege without a fight.
-2 National Unrest

The Old BuryYears ago, even before the Dragonwake, there was an old fort that commanded the then relatively-small settlement of what was to be Indlebury. When said Dragonwake occurred, driving the Wexonards from the old Alenic lands into the then-Damerian Eastern Dameshead, the new rulers took it over and used it for the same purpose.\n\nAs time wore on, the often-disputed nature of the lands around Indlebury proved too much for the castle to handle, and it suffered terrible damage in a great battle. Therefore, what is now called the Old Bury was increasingly used only for political-administrative matters. The view of the average Indleburian is that it's a damned good use for such an old, venerable building.
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Indel's LegacyBefore Indlebury was known by that name it was known as Indelbury, and before our ancestors the Wexonards came it had a different name. What that old name was, or why the letters in 'Indelbury' switched like that, even the city fathers don't know. However, they do know where the name "Indel" came from, as do all their fellow citizens.\n\nThe great Indel was, depending on which Indlebury neighbourhood or township the person you're asking came from, a soldier, a mercenary, or a mage of great bravery and ability. Regardless of his background, two things ar clear: first, that he was a Wexonard, and second, that he single-handedly held off a bandit raid on what was to become Indlebury and so terrorized the brigands that had occupied what was to become the Old Bury that their leader simply surrendered after six hours. This feat was made even more impressive by his ability to dodge projectiles left, right, and centre.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Shroom SniffersHumans of several lines of ethnic descent are not the only thing one can find in the Free City of Indlebury. Another major group are the halfling folk, who have lived in Indlebury practically as far back as there have been records, and possibly yet more. For example, Indel's second-in-command, it is said, was the brother-in-law of the local halfling leader.\n\nThe halflings of Indlebury, especially in the rural hinterland, tend to be pig farmers. One particularly profitable tradition of theirs is to take these pigs out to hunt for expensive fungi the local dialect calls 'shrooms.' The most famous of these are the famous delicacy, truffles, which by themselves were enough to put the Shroom-Sniffers of Indlebury on the map.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Kindlebury IncidentA fire was kindled, Indlebury burned,\nAnd the Mayor's eyes to madness turned.\n\nThe above couplet is excerpted from a local folk-song about a famous fire that burned Indlebury in 1432. After the rebuilding, the fire briefly faded into memory until a particularly idiotic Tellumite crier decided to use a pun and refer to it as the Kindlebury Incident. That horrible decision made the fire stick in people's minds throughout the Empire and caused the Emperor and the Grand Duke of Wex to take turns hitting their own foreheads with a thick book. More importantly, it set off a rash of folk-songs and both sober and inane speculation about why it burned.\n\nWas it malicious outside forces? Typically witless adventurers? Careless mages? Was it a bar brawl between Wexonards or the Lorentish or some other foreigners? Did someone light a match next to some flour, or did a cow knock over a lantern? We'll never know, but speculating is too fun to pass up; besides, the ideas we come up with might turn out to be useful for something else.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

A Rude People"I came this day to Indalaberi, an independent city near the lands of the lord of Wex. It was a very bustling and prosperous city, though of course nothing reminiscent of the cities of Rahen; it is a pittance even next to Sir.\n\nOne thing is clear to me. No matter where the people of Indalaberi originally came from, local or otherwise, they are all rude and stubborn. They have to be pestered even to move a crate from one end of the store to another to help their own mothers. Foreigners do not, in my experience, feel too out of place or unwelcome here simply because these Indalaberi people treat their own parents just as rudely."\n\n- From the writings of Mashama II Sanukelborlan, Merchant Prince of the Sanukelborlan Revolter Family, and eventual Adesadata of Bhuvauri, during his Anbennaric journey in the year 1395.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Eastern Small CityAs the consequences of the Greentide and the Wars of Religion wear on past us, the citizens of Indlebury notice something different: their city cannot truly be called the smallest of the Free Cities anymore. Once called the "Eastern Small City" for that reason (even in Imperial pronouncements), Indlebury has gone from the hamlet of Indel to one of the truly great settlements of Anbennar.\n\nOf course, humans' prodigious tendency for reproduction has played a role in this. Just as significant, however, is an even more prodigious tendency towards family-building on the part of halflings, whose population is rapidly catching up to that of their human neighbours.
-10% Development Cost

+15% Movement Speed