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Primary Culture

+0.15 Infantry Shock
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The CennayakutaWhen the Ruin came, the old Slaver-Nobles who used to rule Taychend fell from power, slain either by their slaves, rivals old and new, or, finally, the eventual bloody conquests of Ebenanth, the First Emperor. In most places, they faded into myth and legend, becoming the first gods of the Taychend – but not in Imarchend. Here, the old slaver nobles held onto their power, beating their slaves back into the warrens and surviving into the present day. Like their namesake, the wild dhole packs who stalk the plains of Imarchend, the Cennayakuta compete fiercely in times of peace, slink away when dangers too powerful to fight draw near, and then come together and strike as a pack when the opportunity arises to reclaim their power.\n\nDivided into different families and clans, they rule Imarchend from their manor-fortresses and castle, rich and powerful as a rule. The most powerful families among them still inhabit their ancient seats of power, withered and decayed as they are after a millennium and a half of struggle and war. And while the old blood of the Slaver-Nobles has degraded and diluted over the years, the Cennayakuta unable to claim even half the magical power of their ancestors, they certainly can claim to match them for cruelty, ambition and pride – perfect traits for exceptional warlords.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Bounty of the GopatriThe eastern branch of the Gopatri cuts its way through the arid plains of Imarchend, its fertile banks perfect for producing all manner of goods. From the production of high-grade tea, shipped all over Andeios, to cotton, sugar and grain, the plantations of Imarchend are renowned for their productivity – and the terrible conditions the slaves and peasants who toil away on them experience. Dominated by the Cennayakuta who both oversee them and cultivate the land through magical means, plant growth spells are often used to boost productivity – in many ways, little has changed from the days before the ruin – save for the ever-towering presence of death, of course. But while those who live along the river are no longer immortal, the bounty of the Gopatri certainly still is, the ever-renewing source of Imarchend’s wealth and relevance.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

With a Warlord's Voice Cry "Havoc!"Being conquered by a warlord of Imarchend is an unpleasant experience. The banners of the Cennayakuta are soaked in the blood of many, and the fields of the edge always hunger for more slaves – it is little wonder that the various warlord kingdoms that have spread from the Gopatri have faced rebellions and discontent. In these situations, the grim reputation of the Cennayakuta comes into play. Death befalls those who betray Imarchend, as its nobles let their soldiers run roughshod over rebellious populations, laying waste to those who oppose them.To the captured insurgents and innocent peasants alike who are unlucky enough, the half-tamed and half-starved dholes of the Cennayakuta are the heralds of a long, painful, death.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

A Kingdom on EdgeImarchend is, quite literally, a Kingdom on the Edge, at the very border of Taychend and the steppes and savannas of the Chendhya. Naturally, this provides exceptional dangers – the Gopatri have been ravaged countless times by Chendhyan raids and, occasionally, conquered outright by Chendhyan tribes and warlords – but it also brings a certain sort of opportunity. The Chendhyans do not fear enslavement for no reason – raiders from Imarchend have long forayed into the nearby plains for slaves and trophies (usually the severed heads and pelts of their treasured cat-mounts), which have greatly enriched the country. This has not come without a cost, however. The Cennayakuta remain ever-vigilant for Chendhyan reprisals, and many fall victim to those attacks when they come.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Dealings with the DarkScraps of torn and tattered parchment, scribbles on stone, the faded remnants of contacts forged millenia ago – there are many such secrets hidden in the manors of the Cennayakuta and the dogs of Imarchend are not afraid to call on them. Power is, after all, a coveted treasure in Taychend, and the abandonment of morality in its pursuit is a given along the Gopatri. Blood magic, necromancy, dark pacts and demonic deals are all practiced in the dark chambers beneath the manors of the edge, victims sourced from the slaves of the warrens and plantations and then turned on noble rivals and foreign warlords alike.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Orphan KingBy the time of Laskaris’ invasion, Imarchend had fallen into a state of disarray. The dholes circled around each other while propping up the foolish and utterly incompetent King Darakash II, a slave to his drink, his mistresses and his advisors. The dark dealings that had previously strengthened Imarchend had devolved into pointless exercises in mindless, cruel hedonism for little gain. Darakash’s quick and cataclysmic defeat at the hands of Laskaris was therefore little surprise. As in the past, most of the Cennayakuta (including Teshejith Uyasmar, the King’s young son) slinked away, joining (and coming to dominate) the other exiles of Ameion’s conquests in "the Orphaned Brotherhood", a mercenary company and military brotherhood dedicated to destroying Laskaris.\n\nTeshejith would quickly prove to be everything his father wasn’t – growing up with a fierce hatred of the Kheionai, he gained a reputation as a bestially aggressive warrior, enhancing his abilities with dark magics fuelled by the blood of anyone who got in his way. He fought against Ameion for twenty years, outlasting Laskaris but accruing so many injuries that he wore a steel visage to hide his maimed face, until the intrigues of the Cennayakuta that claimed him. Nonetheless, "the Orphan King" remains an infamous figure of the Wars of the Two Heroes, his name still striking fear into the hearts of many to this day.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Loyal, if Somewhat SinisterAfter the wars of the two heroes had settled down, and it became clear Larankar could not destroy Ameion, merely contain it, the Cennayakuta began to make their way back to their old ancestral holdings, ingratiating themselves with the new regime through offers of military and economic support. Though they found their capabilities for open cruelty much reduced and their slaves replaced with less abusable serfs, they eventually came to find a comfortable position within the new order.\n\nWhen the time came to answer Ameion’s calls for Kheionization, the Cennayakuta would shrug and accept, earning a reputation as loyal – if somewhat sinister – Klereyen aristocrats and landowners, the reason behind Imarchend’s relative peace and stability compared to Ameion’s other Taychendi territories. Though their power would again be much reduced after the ravages of the Kamrayakval’s War, and parts of the Cennayakuta would never bow to their old enemy, they nonetheless continued to hold power in their ancestral lands when Ameion eventually collapsed, once again reclaiming control of the Gopatri after nearly 300 years of foreign dominance.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

+10% Trade Efficiency


